JEvents Main
1. Hard coded strings in administrator\components\com_jevents\libraries\jevbuttons.php AND administrator\components\com_jevents\libraries\jevtoolbarbuttons.php:
$message = JText::sprintf( 'Please make a selection from the list to', $todo );
$message = JText::sprintf( 'Please make a selection from the list to %s', $todo );
(both strings in each file).
Custom Fields Plugin (Version: 3.5.0 RC7)
1. Hard coded or missing strings in manifest plugins\jevents\jevcustomfields\jevcustomfields.xml file:
<name>JEvents - Custom Fields</name>
2. Hard coded string in plugins\jevents\jevcustomfields\jevcustomfields.php file:
Jerror::raiseWarning ( null, 'JEvents Must be installed first to use this addon.');
Jerror::raiseWarning ( null, 'A minimum of JEvents V3.1.14 is required for this addon. <br/>Please update JEvents first.' . $rel );
Jerror::raiseWarning ( null, 'JEvents has been disabled, please enable it first.' . $rel );
Jerror::raiseWarning ( null, 'This Addon Requires JEvents core to be installed.<br/>Please first install JEvents' . $rel );
3. Hard coded string in plugins\jevents\jevcustomfields\customfields\jevcfdblist.php file:
CustomFieldsHelper::textField($id, $field, JText::_("JEVCF_DBLIST_LABEL_FIELD"), JText::_('JEVCF_DBLIST_LABEL_FIELD_DESC'), "labelfield", "labelfield","User Name");
(last param).
4. Hard coded strings in plugins\jevents\jevcustomfields\views\jevcustomfields\tmpl\edit.php file:
alert("<?php echo JText::_("JEVCF_FORM_LARGER_THAN_MAXIMUM_SIZE_CHECK_HTACCESS_SETTINGS", true) ?>\n" + (inputvars.length + selectvars.length + textareavars.length) + " vs " + <?php echo $max_input_vars; ?>
alert("<?php echo JText::_("JEVCF_FORM_GETTING_CLOSE_TO_MAXIMUM_SIZE_CHECK_HTACCESS_SETTINGS", true) ?>\n" + (inputvars.length + selectvars.length + textareavars.length) + " vs " + <?php echo $max_input_vars; ?>
5. Hard coded string in clientspecific\jevcfwurl.php file:
return "Please save the event to generate the link";
(clientspecific folder - look at point 10)
6. JEVCF_ENABLE_BUTTONS_DESC key value need some adjustment - its a multi select list, no need for info about 'comma separated values'.
7. JEV_EDIT_CUSTOM_FIELDS key value should be 'split' into two strings for new file and edit, ie, if custom file name is empty show 'new' else 'edit' (atm for new files we see 'Edit Custom Fields File : '.
8. Missing keys:
(missing from language file in zip file).
9. Unused keys:
10. Missing(?) 'clientspecific' folder in 'files' branch in manifest file:
<filename plugin="jevcustomfields">jevcustomfields.php</filename>
(don't know if any code in this folder is used...).
11. Create new field button should be disabled until we create fields group.
12. Radio type field, there is duplicated code in loadScript() function showing options twice:
CustomFieldsHelper::filterOptions($id, $field);
CustomFieldsHelper::filtermenuOptions($id, $field);
13. While creating new filed, all tooltips doesn't get bootstrap styling, in screenshot below you can see that bottom tooltip (field already in file) is in data-original-title attrib, the top image (newly created field) shows that this attribute isn't added and title attribute is used for tips
14. Notes type field - creator valid ids - this field should be multi select list of users or 'authorised users' (if enabled in JEvents).
// Would be too many entries on many sites.
//CustomFieldsHelper::userids($id, $field,JText::_("JEVCF_CREATOR_NOTES_VALID_IDS"), JText::_("JEVCF_CREATOR_NOTES_VALID_IDS_DESC"));
CustomFieldsHelper::textField($id, $field, JText::_("JEVCF_CREATOR_NOTES_VALID_IDS"), JText::_('JEVCF_CREATOR_NOTES_VALID_IDS_DESC'), "userid", "userid");
Founded this code later after i wrote this above... make it a plugin option: 'list all' vs 'type ids by hand', default by hand?
15. Delete field button should show confirmation message.
[size=150]The End[/size] (Silver)
until I get reply to questions from previous post and/or Transifex update.