Importing Events in CSV Format


Club membership is needed to Download the sample file.

In JEvents it is possible to import events from a CSV file.  The format of this file is very important - some users find MS Excel doesn't give enought flexibility to set the field delimiter to a comma and it often ends up leaving out the double quotes around the fields. If you have these problems then I'd revommend you try OpenOffice or LibreOffice instead to create the extract.

It must include the following columns:[codep]"CATEGORIES","SUMMARY","LOCATION","DESCRIPTION","CONTACT","X-EXTRAINFO","DTSTART","DTEND","TIMEZONE","RRULE"[/codep]

Club members can download a sample file at the bottom of this document.

For non-members - this is an example of the first line of events.

[codep]"Sport","Football Match","Football Stadium","This event is just for fun","Contact Name","Whatever extra-info","20100915T150000","20100915T191500","Europe/London","FREQ=DAILY;COUNT=10;INTERVAL=3"[/codep]

You can use a CSV file where ever you would import an iCal file in JEvents.

CSV file needs to have both, start and end time, so in case your CSV file only has Start time for your events, you cand edit the CSV file with a Spreadsheet editor following the recommendations on this link:
Thank you very much to kimborg for pointing it.

Importing Locations

For importing locations there is a config option in the managed locations component to set to allow the matching of imported event locations.  If this is set to yes AND the location field in the CSV file is an exact match for and existing location title then it will be matched up with the location in the database (as long as the importing user is the creator of the location or the location is a shared/global location).

You can also auto-create locations IF the location field is in this EXACT format "Location Name - Street, City, Country" or "Location Name - Street, City, Country, Postcode"

Importing Standard Images and Files

If you use the silver member standard images and files plugin you can import these as follows:

Add extra column headings


So that the heading row and data looks something like

[codep]"CATEGORIES","SUMMARY","LOCATION","DESCRIPTION","CONTACT","X-EXTRAINFO","DTSTART","DTEND","TIMEZONE","RRULE","field1","upload_image1","upload_image1_title"[/codep][codep]"Sport","Football Match","Football Stadium","This event is just for fun","Contact Name","Whatever extra-info","20100915T150000","20100915T191500","Europe/London","FREQ=DAILY;COUNT=10;INTERVAL=3","","4ed5f32153fa64.61913523.jpeg","The Image"[/codep]

Now JEvents will use the image images/jevents/4ed5f32153fa64.61913523.jpeg and the thumbnail images/jevents/thumbnails/thumb_4ed5f32153fa64.61913523.jpeg for this event

Importing JEvents Tags

Using a field called "jevtags" you can import the tags associated with events. [codep]"CATEGORIES","SUMMARY","LOCATION","DESCRIPTION","CONTACT","X-EXTRAINFO","DTSTART","DTEND","TIMEZONE","RRULE","field1","upload_image1","upload_image1_title","jevtags"[/codep][codep]"Sport","Football Match","Football Stadium","This event is just for fun","Contact Name","Whatever extra-info","20100915T150000","20100915T191500","Europe/London","FREQ=DAILY;COUNT=10;INTERVAL=3","","4ed5f32153fa64.61913523.jpeg","The Image","tag1,tag2"[/codep]

Importing JEvents Custom Fields

Using field names to match your custom fields file definitiaions the customfields associated with events. For example is you have a custom field called "shortdescription" then your CSV file could look like    [codep]"CATEGORIES","SUMMARY","LOCATION","DESCRIPTION","CONTACT","X-EXTRAINFO","DTSTART","DTEND","TIMEZONE","RRULE","field1","upload_image1","upload_image1_title","shortdescription"[/codep][codep]"Sport","Football Match","Football Stadium","This event is just for fun","Contact Name","Whatever extra-info","20100915T150000","20100915T191500","Europe/London","FREQ=DAILY;COUNT=10;INTERVAL=3","","4ed5f32153fa64.61913523.jpeg","The Image","This is the <strong>Short Description</strong> or the event."[/codep]

Remember to use the VALUE of the custom field when importing select lists, radio or check boxes and not the displayed text.

Importing JEvents Agenda/Minutes

Using a field called "agenda" you can import the agenda/minutes articles associated with events. Your CSV file should have this structure:

[codep]"CATEGORIES","SUMMARY","LOCATION","DESCRIPTION","CONTACT","X-EXTRAINFO","DTSTART","DTEND","TIMEZONE","RRULE","field1","upload_image1","upload_image1_title","agenda"[/codep][codep]"Sport","Football Match","Football Stadium","This event is just for fun","Contact Name","Whatever extra-info","20100915T150000","20100915T191500","Europe/London","FREQ=DAILY;COUNT=10;INTERVAL=3","","4ed5f32153fa64.61913523.jpeg","The Image","23"[/codep]

Importing RSVP Pro

If you are using JEvents RSVP Pro addon you are able to import registration configuration along with your events. The available fields you can import are:

This field indicates if you allow registration for the event
This fields sets the access for session registration
Capacity of your event
The capacity of the waiting list.
Initial state for registrations
id of the registration template you want to use for this event
If your attendees will be allowed to cancel their registrations
If your attendees will be allowed to modify their registrations
Introduction text to show to your attendees
When will your registrations for the event start.
Use format: "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss"
When will your registrations for the event finish.
Use format: "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss"
Maximum date your attendees will be able to cancel their registration for the event.
Use format: "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss"
[codep]"CATEGORIES","SUMMARY","LOCATION","DESCRIPTION","CONTACT","X-EXTRAINFO","DTSTART","DTEND","TIMEZONE","RRULE","NOENDTIME","rsvp_allowregistration","rsvp_sessionaccess","rsvp_capacity","rsvp_waitingcapacity","rsvp_initialstate","rsvp_template","rsvp_allowcancellation","rsvp_allowchanges","rsvp_showattendees","rsvp_attendintro","rsvp_regopen","rsvp_regclose","rsvp_cancelclose"[/codep][codep]"Sport 2","Football Match","Football Stadium","This event is just for fun","Contact Name","Whatever extra-info","20160915T150000","20160915T191500","Europe/London","FREQ=DAILY;COUNT=10;INTERVAL=3",0,1,-1,6,4,1,19,1,0,1,"This is the introduction to the registration form","0000-00-00 00:00:00","0000-00-00 00:00:00","0000-00-00 00:00:00"[/codep]

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