This article describes the custom format strings in the latest events module - and makes reference to incorporating elements from club addons e.g. custom fields, images If your format string…

Welcome to the JEvents Quick Install Guide, this guide is based on JEvents 3.x. It will help guide you through the inital setup of JEvents within your Joomla! installation. Joomla…

This is not full documentation by a long way but should help you get started with JEvents. New Events Structure In order to accomodate repeat exceptions, and iCal imports a…

JEvents features a tool to edit the layout of the event detail page, event list pages and the monthly calendar cell/tooltips (JEvents 2.0+ only) .  This video gives a quick…

In JEvents 2.1+ we added special module positions to allow you to display instructions to site visitors/event creators or to place the other related modules like the filter module in…

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In JEvents it is possible to import events from a CSV file.  The format of this file is very important - some users find MS Excel doesn't give enought flexibility…

As of JEvents 3.1.2, the filter module has a dynamic loading list. All available filters will automatically be loaded for selection. If you are a club member most add ons…

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Joomla 1.5 Joomfish content element files - they may work in Joomla 2.5 but have not been tested extensively

As of JEvents 2.0+ you should take a look at the JEvents Custom layouts editing tool first - this allows you to customise your event detail and list pages without…

If you want to override specific language strings from the en-GB.com_jevents.ini file you can create a special override for these changes what won't get overwritten when you upgrade. Joomla provides…

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This is part of the Custom Format String which can be removed by customising the Custom Format String. Refer to the Custom Format Strings document.

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Q. I have changed the time formatting to 12hour, but it's not changed everywhere?  A. This happens in the Latest Events Module, this module has a defined time string within…

CSS (Casacding Style sheets) control how your whole site looks, without it you just get a plain white page with borders if they are hard coded. This is great! as…

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This is the extended version of the CSS Changes & Customisations Document which will help you find the bug and apply a fix. Whilst also showing some further tips and…

This PDF document provides information on the configuration of the Latest Events Module which is installed with the JEvents Package Install.Please read it carefully, if you have any questions please…

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JEvents 2.0.x implements layout editing for the monthly calendar cell and the monthly calendar tooltip.  These are more complex to customise effectively than the list layout or event detail layout. …

In JEvents you can override the formatting of dates and times by changing the translations of various key translation strings (see the related link at the bottom of this page for…

This is possibly because you are running php 5.3.x+ and the HTML form being submitted has more than 1000 elements in it.  The JEvents config can exceed this number.  From…

If when creating an event you cannot select any categories please check / try the below: 1. Did you enable authorised user mode in JEvents? If 'Enable User Authorisation…

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You may see this message on some servers when you try to save an event. It arises because you have configured JEvents to check for overlapping events when you save…

Some users find that after creating events in the backend of Joomla these do not show up on the frontend of their site.  This article explains the common reasons for…

If your tooltips don't appear in the monthly calendar, or the calendar popup doesn't work when editing events in the frontend of your site then its probably a javascript library…

This is a quick note to help you diagnose white pages or partially loaded pages. White Pages If you see a completely white page with no messages then this is…

1. White Page or Error Message 'Out of Memory' If you encounter problems installing or upgrading JEvents as a normal component please the followingPossible solution 0 : Try the tar.gz…

NOTE: If you are using the latest versions of JEvents and still are having display/access issues please let us know in the fourm. We are endeavouring to load from the front…

Are your popups in JEvents (event editing, club addons etc) right aligned? This is because your template provider has failed to give you a complete template - you are missing…

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This is an event that occurs every weekday  (i.e. not at the weekends).

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This is how you would represent the 20th of March, June, September and December

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This is how you could enter an event that occurs on the first and third Monday and Friday in March, June, September and December

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This is how you would enter the last Saturday of the month (remember that the last week is the same as the first counting backwards).

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This is an annual event on a specific date e.g. Christmas Day.  

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Google (and other search engines) can pick up Rich Snippets/Microdata from your webpages to enhance the presetation of your event data in their search pages.  See for more information.

Some Rockettheme templates break the event editing pages of JEvents by attempting to replace the normal html radio buttons with fancy images. Their script to do this does not work properly so you…

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An explanation of how the user permissions system work in JEvents - comparing authorised user mode and Joomla ACL.

Q. I want to redirect users automatically to the Event Detail if the Day List view only have one event. A. As of JEvents 3.x we have added this as a configuration…

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Since JEvents 2.1 we can have a more friendly URLs just enabling the new SEF options in the "SEF/Performance options" tab of the configuration area. The new URLs look like:

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JEvents and the club addons use Cronjobs/Scheduled tasks to perform various tasks on a periodic basis.

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This article explains how to automatically update imported calendars in JEvents.

Hidden Tooltips If you find that the popup summary tooltip on the JEvents Calendar appears underneath other elements on your page or doesn't appear at all then you need to…

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This document will show you how to recreate the Iconic Layout used on the Demo Site.

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You may not be interested in all the fields in the event editing screen - for example you do not use the extra info or contact fields. In this case…

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Here is a really easy way to add event creation instructions that will appear above the event creation screen.

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You may want to change the JEvents logo for the frontend editing screen.

Categories After you install JEvents you should open the component in the backend and click on 'Manage Categories'.  As the name suggests categories are used to organise events into different…

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If you want to add an event via a Joomla menu item you will need set it up this way.

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A badly configured JEvents installation with a large database of events can lead to slow response times on your server and excessive traffic due to search engine activity.

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This script allows you to load one or modules from your Joomla website on another website (which doesn't have to be driven by Joomla) and this article explains how to…

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This article explains how to configure the Tabbed Latest Events Module

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This article explains how to configure the standard images and files addon for JEvents and how to include these images and files in your event detail and list pages.

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This article explains how to use the JEvents Tags Addon

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This article explains how to customize the styles for the blog layout.

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It is possible to customise the output of the RSS feed by configuring JEvents.  If you want to go further than this then you can create a template override for…

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The JEvent club layouts come in a range of fixed widths that you can select in the JEvents configuration page. However because of your site template you may need to…

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The filter module, by default, uses a tabular layout for the filter fields and their labels. This may not suite your site. This article describes how to change this to…

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If you want to set a word count limit on your event description then you could try this approach. It will only work with JCE or TinyMCE editors.

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You may want to customise the icon navigation bar that appears above the main JEvents component. For example you may not want to show the monthly calendar.

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The date range list of items is an ideal mechanism for creating an attractive printable layout for your upcoming events. This article will describe how to customise this layout so…

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A note relating to changes between version 2.x and 3.x of the Custom Fields addon for JEvents.

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This document referrs to versions of JEvents Custom Fields prior to version 3.5.0.

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On a more advanced topic, if custom layout for edit page is not enough to cover your needs, it is possible to create a template override for the JEvents event…

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This is a quick introduction to adding tooltips to the minicalendar.

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If you want to customise the JEvents stylesheets or background icons/images without loosing your changes each time you upgrade you can create a stylesheet override.

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Would you like to have your latest events module show only the current event - i.e. the event taking place NOW ? In this document we explain how you can…

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If you want to customise the information presented in the list views you need to create a template override for a helper file. This article assumes that you have read…

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In JEvents its possible to apply multiple template overrides for the latest events module.  This means that you can have one module that displays "Today's Events" and another displaying "This…

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In JEvents its possible to apply multiple template overrides for the latest events module.  This means that you can have one module that displays "Today's Events" and another displaying "This…

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This article sets out in more detail how to create a template override for the event monthly calendar page with a particular emphasis on the popup window/tooltip.  It assumes that…

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This is a quick intro to creating Session Templates in RSVP Pro - it does not describe all the options and fields in detail but should enable you to get…

If you recieve the following error: Error 403 'You are not authorised to view this resource' When attempting to create an event whilst logged in as a Super Administrator, then…

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In order to pay for event tickets, which have variable prices which depend on event configuration, with Virtuemart we need a mechanism to create a product with a price we…

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It is now possible to import user created events from JomSocial into JEvents and keep these updated with changes made at a later date in JomSocial.

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This article will discuss how to integrate JomSocial with JEvents.  Not all sites will want the full integration so I'll break it down into sections.

One of the repeated requests that came from our members was to have the ability to show different layouts dependent if a field has a value or not. From JEvents…

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Since JEvents 3.1.11 we have the option of showing specific parts of JEvents view in a module position. This is very helpful for instance for showing a map of locations…

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If you want to run this using a cronjob on your unix based server then these are the entries you may use.

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RSVP Pro is a complex application and it can be confusing to configure and use correctly at first.  This document gives the solution to a number of common problems.

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To use the iconic layout in your newsletter you will need to customise your template in acyMailing. In this document we provide

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Instructions for showing a list of related events in your SobiPro listing detail page.

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Configuration guide for JEvents Core

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Document about creating and managing repeating events in JEvents.

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Guide for creating and managing single events.

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A basic guide to your initial installation of the JEvents component and your first JEvents menu item.

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A guide for configuring and using Latest Events Module.

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This documentation is based on the following software and versions: Joomla! Version: 3.x JEvents Version: 3.1.42 RSVP Pro Version: 3.1.16 RSVP Pro 3.1.x does still on Joomla! 2.5.28. However, this Joomla! Release has reached End of Life (EOL) and you should migrate to Joomla! 3.x.  Documentation tested and based on using the default Joomla! ISIS backend administration template, and the default Joomla! Protostar frontend site template.

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This document guides you through the process of creating custom fields and templates for your sessions.

A quick introduction to JEvents

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Installation and setup notes for People/Resource Manager.

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This document explain how to allow assigning your self to roles within an event when using the Managed People Add-on.

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Notes on how to use the Notifications.