This article describes the custom format strings in the latest events module - and makes reference to incorporating elements from club addons e.g. custom fields, images If your format string…

Welcome to the JEvents Quick Install Guide, this guide is based on JEvents 3.x. It will help guide you through the inital setup of JEvents within your Joomla! installation. Joomla…

JEvents features a tool to edit the layout of the event detail page, event list pages and the monthly calendar cell/tooltips (JEvents 2.0+ only) .  This video gives a quick…

In JEvents 2.1+ we added special module positions to allow you to display instructions to site visitors/event creators or to place the other related modules like the filter module in…

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In JEvents it is possible to import events from a CSV file.  The format of this file is very important - some users find MS Excel doesn't give enought flexibility…

As of JEvents 2.0+ you should take a look at the JEvents Custom layouts editing tool first - this allows you to customise your event detail and list pages without…

If you want to override specific language strings from the en-GB.com_jevents.ini file you can create a special override for these changes what won't get overwritten when you upgrade. Joomla provides…

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This is part of the Custom Format String which can be removed by customising the Custom Format String. Refer to the Custom Format Strings document.

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Q. I have changed the time formatting to 12hour, but it's not changed everywhere?  A. This happens in the Latest Events Module, this module has a defined time string within…

In JEvents you can override the formatting of dates and times by changing the translations of various key translation strings (see the related link at the bottom of this page for…

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You may see this message on some servers when you try to save an event. It arises because you have configured JEvents to check for overlapping events when you save…

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Google (and other search engines) can pick up Rich Snippets/Microdata from your webpages to enhance the presetation of your event data in their search pages.  See for more information.

Q. I want to redirect users automatically to the Event Detail if the Day List view only have one event. A. As of JEvents 3.x we have added this as a configuration…

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JEvents and the club addons use Cronjobs/Scheduled tasks to perform various tasks on a periodic basis.

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This document will show you how to recreate the Iconic Layout used on the Demo Site.

Categories After you install JEvents you should open the component in the backend and click on 'Manage Categories'.  As the name suggests categories are used to organise events into different…

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If you want to customise the JEvents stylesheets or background icons/images without loosing your changes each time you upgrade you can create a stylesheet override.

If you recieve the following error: Error 403 'You are not authorised to view this resource' When attempting to create an event whilst logged in as a Super Administrator, then…

One of the repeated requests that came from our members was to have the ability to show different layouts dependent if a field has a value or not. From JEvents…

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Some templates are clever and add the links after the link in a print view, the reason for this is you don't know where the link is on a text…

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Since June 2016 Google applied some changes to the terms of service for their API. All new domains using their API will be required to use an API key and…