$message = JText::sprintf( 'Please make a selection from the list to', $todo );
$message = JText::sprintf( 'Please make a selection from the list to %s', $todo );
<name>JEvents - Custom Fields</name>
Jerror::raiseWarning ( null, 'JEvents Must be installed first to use this addon.');
Jerror::raiseWarning ( null, 'A minimum of JEvents V3.1.14 is required for this addon. <br/>Please update JEvents first.' . $rel );
Jerror::raiseWarning ( null, 'JEvents has been disabled, please enable it first.' . $rel );
Jerror::raiseWarning ( null, 'This Addon Requires JEvents core to be installed.<br/>Please first install JEvents' . $rel );
CustomFieldsHelper::textField($id, $field, JText::_("JEVCF_DBLIST_LABEL_FIELD"), JText::_('JEVCF_DBLIST_LABEL_FIELD_DESC'), "labelfield", "labelfield","User Name");
alert("<?php echo JText::_("JEVCF_FORM_LARGER_THAN_MAXIMUM_SIZE_CHECK_HTACCESS_SETTINGS", true) ?>\n" + (inputvars.length + selectvars.length + textareavars.length) + " vs " + <?php echo $max_input_vars; ?>
alert("<?php echo JText::_("JEVCF_FORM_GETTING_CLOSE_TO_MAXIMUM_SIZE_CHECK_HTACCESS_SETTINGS", true) ?>\n" + (inputvars.length + selectvars.length + textareavars.length) + " vs " + <?php echo $max_input_vars; ?>
return "Please save the event to generate the link";
<filename plugin="jevcustomfields">jevcustomfields.php</filename>
CustomFieldsHelper::filterOptions($id, $field);
CustomFieldsHelper::filtermenuOptions($id, $field);
// Would be too many entries on many sites.
//CustomFieldsHelper::userids($id, $field,JText::_("JEVCF_CREATOR_NOTES_VALID_IDS"), JText::_("JEVCF_CREATOR_NOTES_VALID_IDS_DESC"));
CustomFieldsHelper::textField($id, $field, JText::_("JEVCF_CREATOR_NOTES_VALID_IDS"), JText::_('JEVCF_CREATOR_NOTES_VALID_IDS_DESC'), "userid", "userid");
<name>JEvents - JComments</name>
<description>JEvents - Enables JComments for Event and Location Descriptions</description>
Jerror::raiseWarning ( null, 'JEvents Must be installed first to use this addon.');
Jerror::raiseWarning ( null, 'A minimum of JEvents V3.1.14 is required for this addon. <br/>Please update JEvents first.' . $rel );
Jerror::raiseWarning ( null, 'JEvents has been disabled, please enable it first.' . $rel );
Jerror::raiseWarning ( null, 'This Addon Requires JEvents core to be installed.<br/>Please first install JEvents' . $rel );
<name>JEvents - Paid Event Submission</name>
<description>Allow Event Submission by paying users</description>
<field name="prioritylevel" type="list" default="0" label="JEV_PAID_SUBS_PIORITY"
<option value="0">Disabled</option>
<languages folder="language">
<language tag="en-GB">en-GB.plg_jevents_jevpaidsubs.ini</language>
Jerror::raiseWarning(null, 'JEvents Must be installed first to use this addon.');
Jerror::raiseWarning(null, 'Virtuemart must be installed to use this plugin.');
Jerror::raiseWarning(null, 'A minimum of JEvents V3.1.14 is required for this addon. <br/>Please update JEvents first.');
Jerror::raiseWarning(null, 'A minimum of Virtuemart V3.x is required for this addon. <br/>Please update Virtumart first.');
Jerror::raiseWarning(null, 'JEvents has been disabled, please enable it first.');
Jerror::raiseWarning(null, 'This Addon Requires JEvents core to be installed.<br/>Please first install JEvents');
// the no shipping category name
private $catname = 'Event Tokens';
private $catdesc = 'Tokens to purchase that allow user to create events';
// the product type name
private $productname = 'Event Creation';
private $product_s_desc = 'Event Token - To allow event creation.';
private $product_desc = '<p>This product type controls the number of events that can be submitted or the time window in which events can be submitted.</p>';
<name>JEvents - Paid Event Submissions</name>
<description>JEvents Paid Event Submissions Module.</description>
<name>CB JEvents</name>
This plugin displays a short list of events created by a user and a link to a full calendar of their events.
Down the line it may show events the user is attending or sessions being hosted too.
<tab name="JEVENTS_TAB" description="A summary of events created by this user" class="getLatestEvents" fields="0" position="cb_tabmain" displaytype="tab">
<param name="tabMessage" type="text" label="JEvents Tab Text" default="Upcoming Events created by this user" description="xxx" />
<name>JEvents - Community Builder Avatars/Links</name>
<description>Switch creator link to CB profile link</description>
<field name="target_itemid" type="jevmenu" default="" label="Target Menu Item" description="Menu item for target page" />
<field name="username" type="list" default="name" label="Name or Username in Link?" description="Show creator name or user name in the link" >
<option value="name">Name</option>
<option value="username">Username</option>
<name>JEvents - JomSocial Integration</name>
<field name="cache" type="list" default="1" label='JEV_JOMS_CACHE' description='JEV_JOMS_CACHE_DESC' >
<option value="1">Use Global</option>
<option value="0">JNo</option>
<field name="position" type="list" default="content" label="Avalaible Positions" description="Select one or more available positions from the list. You can use Ctrl-click to select more than one item.">
<option value="content">Content</option>
<option value="sidebar-top">Sidebar Top</option>
<option value="sidebar-bottom">Sidebar Bottom</option>
<field name="layout" type="text" default="" label='OVERRIDE_LAYOUT' description="Specify Template Override Layout Name e.g. detail2 or calendar2"/>
<field name="modlatest_DispLinks" type="radio" class="btn-group" default="1" label='DISPLAY_EVENTS_AS_LINKS' description="display event titles as links to the view_detail com_jevents task which will display details of the event">
<option value="0">JNo</option>
<option value="1">JYES</option>
<languages folder="language/en-GB">
<language tag="en-GB">en-GB.plg_community_jevents.ini</language>
Jerror::raiseWarning ( null, 'JEvents Must be installed first to use this addon.');
Jerror::raiseWarning ( null, 'A minimum of JEvents V3.1.14 is required for this addon. <br/>Please update JEvents first.' . $rel );
Jerror::raiseWarning ( null, 'A JomSocial is required to be installed for this addon. <br/>Please Install JomSocial first.' . $rel );
Jerror::raiseWarning ( null, 'JEvents has been disabled, please enable it first.' . $rel );
Jerror::raiseWarning ( null, 'This Addon Requires JEvents core to be installed.<br/>Please first install JEvents' . $rel );
<name>JEvents - JomSocial Stream</name>
<description>Record event saving and updating in the JomSocial Activity Stream</description>
<field name="target_itemid" type="jevmenu" class="btn-group" default="" label='TARGET_MENU_ITEM' description="Menu item for target page - leave blank for all menu items" />
<languages folder="language">
<language tag="en-GB">en-GB.plg_jevents_jevjsstream.ini</language>
Jerror::raiseWarning(null, 'A minimum of JEvents V3.1.14 is required for this addon. <br/>Please update JEvents first.' . $rel);
Jerror::raiseWarning(null, 'JEvents has been disabled, please enable it first.' . $rel);
Jerror::raiseWarning(null, 'This Addon Requires JEvents core to be installed.<br/>Please first install JEvents' . $rel);
<name>Create an Event</name>
<description>Give points when registered user creates an event</description>
<name>Delete an Event</name>
<description>Removed points from event creator when an event is deleted</description>
<name>JEvents - CCK Listing</name>
<field name="ccktype" type="list" default="" label="JEV_SELECT_CCK" description="JEV_SELECT_CCK_TIP" >
<option value="content">Joomla Content</option>
<option value="easyblog">EasyBlog</option>
<option value="sobi2">Sobi2</option>
<option value="sobipro">SobiPro</option>
<option value="k2">K2</option>
<option value="zoo">Zoo</option>
<field name="cckpopup" type="radio" class="btn-group" default="1" label="JEV_DETAIL_POPUP" description="JEV_DETAIL_POPUP_TIP" >
<option value="0">No</option>
<option value="1">Yes</option>
$mitems [] = JHTML::_('select.option', '0', '- ' . JText::_('Select Category') . ' -');
$mitems [] = JHTML::_('select.option', '0', '- ' . JText::_('Select Category') . ' -');
$categories[] = JHTML::_('select.option', '0', '- ' . JText::_('Select Application') . ' -');
<?php echo JHTML::_('grid.sort', 'Title', 'c.title', @$lists['order_Dir'], @$lists['order']); ?>
<?php echo JHTML::_('grid.sort', 'Access', 'groupname', @$lists['order_Dir'], @$lists['order']); ?>
<?php echo JHTML::_('grid.sort', 'ID', '', @$lists['order_Dir'], @$lists['order']); ?>
<?php echo JHTML::_('grid.sort', 'Section', 'section_name', @$lists['order_Dir'], @$lists['order']); ?>
<?php echo JHTML::_('grid.sort', 'Category', 'cc.title', @$lists['order_Dir'], @$lists['order']); ?>
<?php echo JHTML::_('grid.sort', 'Date', 'c.created', @$lists['order_Dir'], @$lists['order']); ?>
Jerror::raiseWarning ( null, 'JEvents Must be installed first to use this addon.');
Jerror::raiseWarning ( null, 'A minimum of JEvents V3.1.14 is required for this addon. <br/>Please update JEvents first.' . $rel );
Jerror::raiseWarning ( null, 'JEvents has been disabled, please enable it first.' . $rel );
Jerror::raiseWarning ( null, 'This Addon Requires JEvents core to be installed.<br/>Please first install JEvents' . $rel );
<languages folder="language">
<language tag="en-GB">en-GB/en-GB.plg_jevents_jevcck.ini</language>
<field name="inlists" type="jevboolean" class="btn-group" default="0" label="JEV_AVAILABLE_IN_LISTS" description="JEV_AVAILABLE_IN_LISTS_DESC" />
<name>K2 JEvents Plugin</name>
<description>This plugin lists latest events related to the K2 item</description>
<field name="showpasteventreset" type="radio" class="btn-group" default="0" label="Show Past Event Reset Checkbox" description="">
<option value="0">JEV_NO</option>
<option value="1">JEV_Yes</option>
<name>JEvents - AcyMailing Tag</name>
<description>This plugin enables you to add a latest events summary in your Newsletter</description>
<name>JNewsletter Tags : Latest JEvents</name>
<description>This plugin enables you to add a latest events summary in your Newsletter</description>
<filename plugin="jnewsjevents">jnewsjevents.php</filename>
<languages folder="languages">
<language tag="en-GB">en-GB.plg_jnews_jnewsjevents.ini</language>
<filename plugin="jnewsjevents">jnewsjevents.php</filename>
<languages folder="language">
<language tag="en-GB">en-GB/en-GB.plg_jnews_jnewsjevents.ini</language>
<language tag="en-GB">en-GB/en-GB.plg_jnews_jnewsjevents.sys.ini</language>
<name>J!MailAlerts - Latest Events</name>
This plugin fetches latest events.
FOLLOW these steps to SET Plugin Parameters=>
1.Set Enabled = Yes, click on apply. 2.configure Events display settings
<languages folder="admin">
<language tag="en-GB">language/en-GB/en-GB.plg_emailalerts_jev_latestnews.ini</language>
<languages folder="admin">
<language tag="en-GB">language/en-GB/en-GB.plg_emailalerts_jev_latestevents.ini</language>
<filename plugin="jnewsjevents">jnewsjevents.php</filename>
<languages folder="language">
<language tag="en-GB">en-GB/en-GB.plg_jnews_jnewsjevents.ini</language>
<language tag="en-GB">en-GB/en-GB.plg_jnews_jnewsjevents.sys.ini</language>
<filename plugin="agendaminutes">agendaminutes.php</filename>
<languages folder="admin">
<language tag="en-GB">language/en-GB/en-GB.plg_jevents_agendaminutes.ini</language>
<language tag="en-GB">language/en-GB/en-GB.plg_jevents_agendaminutes.sys.ini</language>
<name>JEvents - Time Limits</name>
<description>Limits events displayed to a range of dates. For example auto archiving expired events or blocking events more than a set time in the future.</description>
Jerror::raiseWarning ( null, 'JEvents Must be installed first to use this addon.');
Jerror::raiseWarning ( null, 'A minimum of JEvents V3.1.14 is required for this addon. <br/>Please update JEvents first.' . $rel );
Jerror::raiseWarning ( null, 'JEvents has been disabled, please enable it first.' . $rel );
Jerror::raiseWarning ( null, 'This Addon Requires JEvents Core to be installed.<br/>Please first install JEvents' . $rel );
<name>JEvents - Weekday Restrictions</name>
<name>JEvents Tabbed Modules</name>
<field name="tabbedorselect" type="radio" default="0" label="MOD_TABBEDMODULES_TABORSELECT" description="MOD_TABBEDMODULES_TABORSELECT_DESC"
<option value="0">Tabbed</option>
<option value="1">Dropdown</option>
<!-- <option value="2">Slider</option> //-->
<field name="preload" type="radio" default="0" label="MOD_TABBEDMODULES_PRELOADMODULES" description="IMOD_TABBEDMODULES_PRELOADMODULES_DESC"
<field name="preload" type="radio" default="0" label="MOD_TABBEDMODULES_PRELOADMODULES" description="MOD_TABBEDMODULES_PRELOADMODULES_DESC"
<languages folder="language">
<language tag="en-GB">en-GB/en-GB.mod_tabbedmodules.ini</language>
echo JText::_('JEV_TABBED_MOD_DESC');
echo JText::_('JEV_TABBED_MOD_DESC');
Jerror::raiseWarning ( null, 'JEvents Must be installed first to use this addon.');
Jerror::raiseWarning ( null, 'A minimum of JEvents V3.1.14 is required for this addon. <br/>Please update JEvents first.' . $rel );
Jerror::raiseWarning ( null, 'JEvents has been disabled, please enable it first.' . $rel );
Jerror::raiseWarning ( null, 'This Addon Requires JEvents core to be installed.<br/>Please first install JEvents' . $rel );
31. People / resource type allowed to save without a title - validation from pt. 55 doesn't work.55 should be point 32.
<name>JEvents - Matching Events Summary</name>
<name>JEvents Slideshow</name>
<description>Allows showing events in a slider</description>
$jevfilesplugin = JPluginHelper::getPlugin('jevents', 'jevfiles');
if (!$jevfilesplugin) {
$jevfilesparams = new JRegistry($jevfilesplugin->params);
$inlist = $jevfilesparams->get("inlist",0);
if (!$inlist) {
function edit($tpl = null)
// Set toolbar items for the page
$edit = JRequest::getVar('edit', true);
$text = !$edit ? JText::_('NEW') : JText::_('NEW');
<?php echo JHtml::_('grid.sort', 'Type', 'pt.title', $this->lists['order_Dir'], $this->lists['order'] , "people.list"); ?>
<?php echo JHTML::tooltip(JText::_('FULL_URL'), "", "", 'Website'); ?>:
<?php echo JHTML::tooltip(JText::_('FULL_URL'), "", "", JText::_('Website')); ?>:
<label for="postcode">
<?php echo JText::_('Postcode/Zip'); ?>:
<label for="postcode">
<?php echo JText::_(POSTCODE); ?>:
$googleurl = $compparams->get("googlemaps", '');
$googleurl = $compparams->get("googlemaps", '');
<td width="100" align="right" class="key">
<label for="title">
<?php echo JText::_( 'MULTIPLE_PER_EVENT' ); ?>:
<?php echo $this->multiple;?>
<td width="100" align="right" class="key">
<label for="title">
<?php echo JText::_( 'NUMBERS_PER_EVENT' ); ?>:
<?php echo $this->multiple;?>
<td width="100" align="right" class="key">
<label for="title">
<?php echo JText::_( 'MAX_NUMBERS_PER_EVENT' ); ?>:
<?php echo $this->maxnumber;?>
<label for="title">
<?php echo JText::_( 'LAYOUT_IN_EVENT_DETAIL_OUTPUT' ); ?>:
<em><?php echo JText::_( 'LAYOUT_IN_EVENT_DETAIL_OUTPUT_TIP' ); ?></em>
<label title="<strong><?php echo JText::_( 'LAYOUT_IN_EVENT_DETAIL_OUTPUT' ); ?></strong><br/><?php echo JText::_( 'LAYOUT_IN_EVENT_DETAIL_OUTPUT_TIP' ); ?>" class="hasTooltip" for="title">
<?php echo JText::_( 'LAYOUT_IN_EVENT_DETAIL_OUTPUT' ); ?>
<name>JEvents Managed People/Resources Package</name>
<description>JEvents People - Managed people and resources for JEvents</description>
<name>JEV People</name>
<description>Managed People Extension for JEvents</description>
<name>JEvents - Events for people</name>
<description>Displays summary (in latest events format) of events associated with person. Usage {jevp}27{/jevp} to show list of events associated iwht managed person 27.</description>
<name>JEvents - Managed People</name>
<description>Assign People/Organizations from a managed list to event details. Assign artists or booking agencies to an event.</description>
<name>Search - JEvents People/Resources</name>
<field name="layout" type="text" default="" label='OVERRIDE_LAYOUT' description="Specify Template Override Layout Name e.g. detail2 or calendar2"/>
<field name="jevview" type="list" default="month.calendar" label='JEV_PEOPLE_JEVENTS_VIEW' description="If linking to events - which view? Only used if target menu item is not set or is not a JEvents menu item">
<field name="jevview" type="list" default="month.calendar" label='JEV_PEOPLE_JEVENTS_VIEW' description="If linking to events - which view? Only used if target menu item is not set or is not a JEvents menu item">
<field name="jevview" type="list" default="month.calendar" label='JEV_PEOPLE_JEVENTS_VIEW' description="If linking to events - which view? Only used if target menu item is not set or is not a JEvents menu item">
JToolBarHelper::custom( 'cpanel.cpanel', 'default.png', 'default.png', 'CONTROL PANEL', false );
JToolBarHelper::deleteList("Are you sure you want to delete these people?", "people.delete");
JToolBarHelper::cancel('', 'Control Panel');
JToolBarHelper::deleteList("Are you sure you want to delete these types?", "types.delete");
JToolBarHelper::cancel('', 'Control Panel');
<?php echo $this->typeFilter(true,"onchange='alert(\"You must save this category after changing its type to see the correct category list\");'");?>
<a href="/j_avascript: saveCategoryOrder( <?php echo count( $this->cats )-1; ?> )"><img src="/images/filesave.png" border="0" width="16" height="16" alt="Save Order" /></a>
$this->toolbarButton("", "save", "save", "Save", false);
if (!$edit)
$this->toolbarButton("people.cancel", "cancel", "cancel", "Cancel", false);
// for existing items the button is renamed `close`
$this->toolbarButton("people.cancel", "cancel", "cancel", "Close", false);
$lists["type"] = JHTML::_('select.genericlist', $options, 'type_id', 'class="inputbox" size="1" onchange="alert(\'You must save the person and re-edit to show the correct category options\');" ', 'type_id', 'title', $person->type_id);
$this->toolbarButton("", "save", "save", "Save", false);
if (!$edit)
$this->toolbarButton("types.cancel", "cancel", "cancel", "Cancel", false);
// for existing items the button is renamed `close`
$this->toolbarButton("types.cancel", "cancel", "cancel", "Close", false);
if (form.title.value == ""){
alert( "<?php echo JText::_('Person must have a title', true); ?>" );
<field name="showmap" type="list" default="" label="COM_JEVLOCATIONS_FIELD_SHOW_MULTIMAP_LABEL" description="COM_JEVLOCATIONS_FIELD_SHOW_MULTIMAP_DESC">
<option value="">COM_JEVLOCATIONS_USE_GLOBAL</option>
<option value="1">JEV_YES</option>
<option value="0">JEV_NO</option>
JToolBarHelper::deleteList("Are you sure you want to delete these locations?", "locations.delete");
JToolBarHelper::cancel('cpanel.cpanel', 'Control Panel');
JToolBarHelper::cancel('cpanel.cpanel', 'CONTROL_PANEL');
alert("You cannot change the order of items, as an item in the list is `Checked Out`");
<th width="2%"> Order</th>
echo '<a href="/: saveCategoryOrder( '. (count( $this->cats)-1) .' )"><img src="'.$pathIMG . $img.'" width="16" height="16" border="0" alt="Save Order" /></a>';
description='JEV_DISTANCE_SCALE_TIP' >
<option value="km">Km</option>
<option value="miles">Miles</option>
<field name="modlatest_Mode" type="radio" class="btn-group" default="3" label="COM_JEVLOCATIONS_FIELD_DISPLAY_MODE_LABEL" description="<b>= 0 (default)</b> display closest events for current week and following week only up to maxEvents.<br /><b>= 1</b> same as 0 except some past events for the current week will also be displayed if num of future events is less than maxEvents. <br /><b>= 2</b> display closest events for +days range relative to current day up to maxEvents. <br /><b>= 3</b> same as mode 2 except if there are < maxEvents in the range, then display past events within -days range relative to current day. <br /><b>= 4</b> display closest events for current month up to maxEvents relative to current day.">
<options var="layout" >
<options var="task" >
<option value='locations.overview' name="Manage Locations" msg="Manage Locations" />
<option value='locations.locations' name="List of Locations" msg="Locations List" />
<option value='locations.locations' name="List of Locations - Blog layout" msg="Locations List - Blog layout" />
<option value='locations.edit' name="Edit Location" msg="Edit/Create Location" />
<option value='locations.detail' name="Location detail" msg="Show Location" />
<name>JEvents Managed Locations Package</name>
<description>JEvents Managed Locations - Venues, Locations and Maps for JEvents</description>
<name>JEV Locations</name>
<description>Managed Locations for JEvents</description>
<name>Content - JEvent Location Embed</name>
<name>JEvents - Locations</name>
<name>JEvents - Managed Locations</name>
<description>Assign locations from a managed list of locations to event details.</description>
<name>Search - JEvent Locations</name>
$result .= '<div id="'.$fieldname.'_loading" class="loading" style="display:none">'.JText::_("Image uploading. One Moment ...") .'</div>';
$result .= '<div id="'.$fieldname.'_loaded" class="loaded" style="display:none">'.JText::_("Upload Complete ...").'</div>';
$label = JText::_("Image 1");
<?php echo JText::_('ok'); ?>
<description>Manage JEvents Layout</description>
<options var="layout" >
<options var="task" >
<option value='cat.listevents' name="COM_JEVENTS_LIST_CATEGORY_DEFAULT_TITLE" msg="List View of JEvents organised by category" />
<description>JEvents List By Category</description>
<description>JEvents List By Day</description>
<description>Create New Event</description>
<name>ICal Export</name>
<description>ICal Export Layout</description>
<params >
<description>JEvents List of Events</description>
<description>Monthly Calendar Layout</description>
<params >
<description>Date Range List of Events</description>
<params >
<description>Search JEvents</description>
<description>JEvents List By Week</description>
<description>JEvents List By Year</description>
<param name="head" type="textarea" default="" rows="2" cols="50" label="COM_JEVENTS_LIST_HEAD" description="COM_JEVENTS_LIST_HEAD_DESC" />
<param name="row" type="textarea" default="" rows="10" cols="50" label="COM_JEVENTS_LIST_ROW" description="COM_JEVENTS_LIST_ROW_DESC" />
<param name="foot" type="textarea" default="" rows="2" cols="50" label="COM_JEVENTS_LIST_FOOT" description="COM_JEVENTS_LIST_FOOT_DESC" />
<options var="layout" >
<options var="task" >
<option value='tags.tags' name="COM_JEVENTSTAGS_LIST_TAGS_TITLE" msg="Tags List" />
Unlike many Joomla calendars we do not charge to download JEvents - please show your support for this project by becoming a member of the JEvents Club Club members get access to early releases, exclusive member support forums, and Silver and Gold members can use many exciting JEvents addons
Your membership will ensure that JEvents continues to be the best events calendar for Joomla.
GWE Systems Ltd, the company behind JEvents, is excited to announce the preview release of EasyLayouts - the tool that makes it easy to create layouts for your Joomla content and custom fields.
See our blog post for an exciting special offer to our Gold Members