JEvents is a well known, loved and No.1 rated Calendar extension for Joomla! Which consists of a number of modules and plugins.
- One-off Events and complex repeating patterns of events can be created and viewed in an attractive calendar and a variety of list formats
- Multiple design layouts possible
- Fully compatible with Joomla MVC framework
- Ical imports/exports
- Repeat exception handling
- Events can be placed in multiple categories and calendar views can be customised to show all or some of these categories
- Layout editing tool to perfect the presentation on your site.
- Optional checking for overlapping events globally or on a category specific basis
- Mini-calendar (jevents_cal) - which gives a quick overview of events which can be placed on any page
- Latest events (jevents_latest) - which gives a highly configurable summary of upcoming, recently created or popular events
- Events legend (jevents_legend) - displayed alongside the component gives you a summary of event categories and an easy way to limit the events shown to specific categories
- Filter module (jevents_filter) - allows you to filter/search the events being displayed using a variety of criteria
- Custom detail (jevents_custom) - provides the ability to show custom parts of JEvents in a module.
- A search plugin that enables the global Joomla search to return results from the events calendar
- A finder plugin that works with the Joomla! finder system.
JEvents 3.0 is now available for general download - this is a Joomla 2.5-3.x native component that takes JEvents to the next level.