Wednesday, 30 August 2023
  2 Replies
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We've updated Joomla and pHP recently. Everything appears to work fine except I just tried to create a new event and when I save it results in an error. I can bring up existing (archived events) and modify / save them with no issues! Any ideas of wha the cause might be? Here is the error:

An error has occurred.
321 PROBLEMS_STORING_EVENT<br>There were problems saving the event detailProblem saving event Exception: Problem saving event (1693310400) : Field 'evdet_id' doesn't have a default value in /home/bt/public_html/BCPP_Friends/components/com_jevents/libraries/iCalEventDetail.php:296 Stack trace: #0 /home/bt/public_html/BCPP_Friends/components/com_jevents/libraries/iCalEvent.php(295): iCalEventDetail->store(false) #1 /home/bt/public_html/BCPP_Friends/administrator/components/com_jevents/libraries/saveIcalEvent.php(231): iCalEvent->store() #2 /home/bt/public_html/BCPP_Friends/administrator/components/com_jevents/controllers/icalevent.php(952): SaveIcalEvent::save(Array, Object(JEventsDBModel), Array) #3 /home/bt/public_html/BCPP_Friends/administrator/components/com_jevents/controllers/icalevent.php(737): AdminIcaleventController->doSave('') #4 /home/bt/public_html/BCPP_Friends/libraries/src/MVC/Controller/BaseController.php(672): AdminIcaleventController->save() #5 /home/bt/public_html/BCPP_Friends/administrator/components/com_jevents/jevents.php(274): Joomla\CMS\MVC\Controller\BaseController->execute('save') #6 /home/bt/public_html/BCPP_Friends/libraries/src/Dispatcher/LegacyComponentDispatcher.php(71): require_once('/home/bt/...') #7 /home/bt/public_html/BCPP_Friends/libraries/src/Dispatcher/LegacyComponentDispatcher.php(73): Joomla\CMS\Dispatcher\LegacyComponentDispatcher::Joomla\CMS\Dispatcher\{closure}('/home/bt/...') #8 /home/bt/public_html/BCPP_Friends/libraries/src/Component/ComponentHelper.php(355): Joomla\CMS\Dispatcher\LegacyComponentDispatcher->dispatch() #9 /home/bt/public_html/BCPP_Friends/libraries/src/Application/AdministratorApplication.php(143): Joomla\CMS\Component\ComponentHelper::renderComponent('com_jevents') #10 /home/bt/public_html/BCPP_Friends/libraries/src/Application/AdministratorApplication.php(186): Joomla\CMS\Application\AdministratorApplication->dispatch() #11 /home/bt/public_html/BCPP_Friends/libraries/src/Application/CMSApplication.php(294): Joomla\CMS\Application\AdministratorApplication->doExecute() #12 /home/bt/public_html/BCPP_Friends/administrator/includes/app.php(61): Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute() #13 /home/bt/public_html/BCPP_Friends/administrator/index.php(46): require_once('/home/bt/...') #14 {main}
1 year ago
Accepted Answer
Can you check your #_jevents_vevdetail table structure in PHPMyAdmin - the evdet_id column should be an auto-incrementing integer and should not have a default value

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geraint selected the reply #232135 as the answer for this post — 1 year ago
1 year ago
Thanks, that was the issue. Changed to auto increment and it is now working.
1 year ago
Accepted Answer
Can you check your #_jevents_vevdetail table structure in PHPMyAdmin - the evdet_id column should be an auto-incrementing integer and should not have a default value

JEvents Club members can get priority forum support at the Support Forum. As well as access to a variety of custom JEvents addons and benefits. Join the JEvents club today!

brontecreek set the type of the post as  Issue — 1 year ago
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