Thursday, 04 April 2013
  5 Replies
  1.8K Visits
Hi I am looking for a calendar able to:

1- show the events created with jomsocial event module.

I have downloaded Jevents but i am not able to show jomsocial events on the month calendar.. :rolleyes: <!-- s:?: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_question.gif" alt=":?:" title="Question" /><!-- s:?: -->

2- only if the n°1 is possible, i would like to redirect your link "create an event" to the jomsocial event creation -default module- , to keep registration of users and so on ..

thx for your replies
11 years ago
See ... to-jevents

I am part way through implementing an easier interface for this integration which would auto-synchronise events from jomsocial into jevents as soon as they are created, changed or deleted. It should be available within a week or two.

Also I'll add the option to redirect the event creation to the JomSocial 'add event' page from JEvents in this version.

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11 years ago
oooooooooh really good news !

so I will wait for your new version. I uninstall the one I tried yesterday and wait for the new one !

thx !!
11 years ago
Geraint, just a question ..

will you do a news when the jomsocial integration will be done ?
11 years ago
I'm glad you asked since I'd lost track of your post and I wanted to inform you of progress.

So far I have the creation of events (single and repeats) working and am now working on modifications and deletions which is a little more complex since we have to track the mappings between individual repeats between JomSocial and JEvents.

Hopefully I'll have something you can experiment with in the next couple of days. Can you start a new topic in the silver member forum so I can attach the new version of the plugins there.

JEvents Club members can get priority forum support at the Support Forum. As well as access to a variety of custom JEvents addons and benefits. Join the JEvents club today!

11 years ago

no pb I start a topic in silver member' Forum !

thx for your work and answer about this.
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