Friday, 01 May 2009
  3 Replies
  3.5K Visits
Hello, i have trouble with russian language file. It's doesn't work. Site and admin panel work in English language ((. I'm search all topic about translation and troubles with native language (such as french, german, slovak and other), but i can not find answer for my question.

I have Joomla 1.5.8 in legacy mode and Jevents 1.5 (download from, file named "";).

I'm translate english language file (site and admin) and replace first line:
# @version     $Id: en-GB.com_events.ini 1133 2008-08-04 18:04:33Z tstahl $

# @version     $Id: ru-RU.com_jevents.ini  $

and also i'm added line in manifest.xml for site and admin sections:
<language tag="ru-RU">ru-RU.com_jevents.ini</language>

PS/ Sorry for my English
15 years ago
Where are you putting your translation files?

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15 years ago
Everything works fine.
Here is raw translation in Russian of only client part, not admin panel. Instruction for installation is inside.

[attachment=0:192p67k7]<!-- ia0 --><!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:192p67k7]
15 years ago
shju, thank you for help, but this translation doesn't work in Joomla 1.5.8 (. Files [JOOMLA_ROOOT]\administrator\language\ru-RU\install.xml and [JOOMLA_ROOOT]\language\ru-RU\install.xml do not exist in this version joomla and i can't upgrade my Joomla to version 1.5.9.

My translation in Russian for client and admin panel (beta version):
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