Tuesday, 26 December 2023
  1 Replies
  750 Visits
Does RSVP Pro offer the ability to display all user-paid for lists of events and downloadable receipts? Is there a user area profile module for this that can be linked to a menu item?
jgkiefer set the type of the post as  Technical — 1 year ago
1 year ago
Sorry for the slow response time over christmas/new year

With RSVP Pro you can create a special latest instance of all events that a user it attending - you can also do the same with a jevents menu item.

There is no downloadable receipt per se but there is a payment notification email that is sent out in which you can include all the details of the event and payments.

Also you can configure PDF event tickets - so there is no reason why you couldn't customise these to represent a downloadable receipt.

Does that make sense?

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