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  Tuesday, 16 April 2013
  3 Replies
  1K Visits
I'd like to create a calendar for training. I have 3 questions

1/ I don't want to have the sunday in the calendar. Is it possible.
2/ Is it possible to add 30 days of training. But I don't want to have the title of the trainig all the days, but only one time or every monday, and the others days only a blue line.

Thank you for you answer.
11 years ago
Are you looking to "advertise" your training dates or sell 'tickets' for training sessions?
Who would be creating the events?
How many times a day will you run your sessions?

I would suggest you start by downloading JEvents 3.0 (see downloads link above) and experimenting with what it can do out of the box.

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11 years ago
I just want to display the training session.
It's only a session per day.
I download 3.0 version, but I don't see where I could use only the week, and not the week end
11 years ago
Create it as a weekly repeating event that occurs only on M,T, W, Th, & F

JEvents Club members can get priority forum support at the Support Forum. As well as access to a variety of custom JEvents addons and benefits. Join the JEvents club today!

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