Saturday, 12 November 2022
  7 Replies
  515 Visits
I am having trouble with the popup messages (tooltips) that should appear when hovering over the monthly calendar. When tooltips are set in 'configuration' to 'bootstrap' the tooltips appear in code rather than the proper information (see pic). When I set tooltips to UIkit i get an error 'problem with popups localhost' reported when I exit the configuration. With this setting also, when hovering over the calendar I only get a limited amount of info shown, just the event name, not what is shown in your online demo. Are the tooltips not implemented fully in the 'free' version? Using Joomla 4 with Helix Ultimate template
2 years ago
Accepted Answer
Edit the file plugin/system/helixultimate/html/layouts/libraries/cms/html/bootstrap.php and add the following line in the popover method at line c. 269

Factory::getDocument()->addScriptOptions('bootstrap.popover', array($selector => $opt));

so that the block reads

$opt = (object) array_filter((array) $opt);

Factory::getDocument()->addScriptOptions('bootstrap.popover', array($selector => $opt));

static::$loaded[__METHOD__][$selector] = true;

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2 years ago
There are some known javascript issue with some versions of the Helix template framework - can you switch to cassiopeia temporarily to confirm that the problem is in the template

JEvents Club members can get priority forum support at the Support Forum. As well as access to a variety of custom JEvents addons and benefits. Join the JEvents club today!

2 years ago
Switched to Cassiopeia - it's just the same.
2 years ago
Can you give me the URL to look at - switching to Cassiopeia by itself isn't enough you would also need to disable the Helix system plugin to test properly.

JEvents Club members can get priority forum support at the Support Forum. As well as access to a variety of custom JEvents addons and benefits. Join the JEvents club today!

2 years ago
Hi Geraint - Yes you are right, it is Helix that is causing the problem. When I disabled it fully in 'Extentions Manage' the popup works fully. Is there any solution when using Helix? Thanks very much for the gudance so far!
2 years ago
In Joomla 4 the way that dynamically created javascript is pushed to the browser is different to Joomla 3 and the Helix Framework plugin is dropping this for some reason. Its been reported to them several times and they have still not fixed it from what I can make out.


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2 years ago
Accepted Answer
Edit the file plugin/system/helixultimate/html/layouts/libraries/cms/html/bootstrap.php and add the following line in the popover method at line c. 269

Factory::getDocument()->addScriptOptions('bootstrap.popover', array($selector => $opt));

so that the block reads

$opt = (object) array_filter((array) $opt);

Factory::getDocument()->addScriptOptions('bootstrap.popover', array($selector => $opt));

static::$loaded[__METHOD__][$selector] = true;

JEvents Club members can get priority forum support at the Support Forum. As well as access to a variety of custom JEvents addons and benefits. Join the JEvents club today!

2 years ago
You are a star!! Funnily enough the line was already in there but commented out and the file was just as I downloaded it from the Helix site!

Anyway now working thanks a lot:)
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