Friday, 04 August 2023
  2 Replies
  483 Visits
I'm trying to override function getCal() in /modules/mod_jevents_cal/tmpl/default/calendar.php. My intent is to remove the HTML division at line 207 and the </div> tab at line 237.

I'm following the instructions at Customising Layouts - Template Override Basics. So far I have successfully overridden two JEvents calendar files. My overrides are /templates/protostar/html/mod_jevents_cal/flat/calendar.php and /templates/protostar/html/com_jevents/flat/year/listevents_body.php. Those work well.

In order to modify the other calendar.php file, I have copied it into the /templates/protostar/html/mod_jevents_cal/default/ directory. Then at line 20 I edited the class name from DefaultModCalView to OverrideDefaultModCalView, Further I have edited other parts of the file as needed.

Unfortunately, the original /modules/mod_jevents_cal/tmpl/default/calendar.php file is still being used. Breakpoints set in the overriding file are never hit. How can I override this file?
cmb set the post as Normal priority — 1 year ago
cmb set the type of the post as  Technical — 1 year ago
1 year ago
Which theme are you using for the calendar module?

If you are using flat then copy the function you want to change from the default class into your overridden flat class and it should be used from there

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1 year ago
I've now done that.

The resulting /templates/<template>/html/mod_jevents_cal/flat/calendar.php file (compressed to is attached. The revised getAvailabilityCalendar() function is near the bottom at line 229.

That function is called from my /templates/<template>/html/com_jevents/flat/year/listevents_body.php override file at line 58. It is also attached here as
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