Saturday, 10 February 2018
  12 Replies
  2.1K Visits
When using the mini calendar and the default theme the current day is not highlighted. Also some of the days with events have blue link colour but others are just default text colour. All have events and links and the cursour changes to reflect this.
When hover over a day with a link the text dissapears.

Your screenshot of the Default theme for the mini calendar (on page is very different to what I get. I have added a screenshot of my mini-calendar.

I have the latest Joomla version (vn 3.8.5) as well as jEvents (vn 3.4.43).
Here is a link to our home page. the mini calendar is on the right hand side below 'Next meeting' box.
Please nore that today is highlighted here as I have added custom css for it.
6 years ago
Can I get a link to see your issue?

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Yes, it's the default theme.
6 years ago

Is this on the included themes?

Many thanks

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Just a few observations

Todays date is now highlighted if there are no events but not if there are events.

Different background colour:

.mod_events_td_todaynoevents {
font-weight: normal;
color: Black;
background-color: #FFA07A;

Same background as other days with events:

.mod_events_td_todaywithevents {
font-weight: normal;
color: Black;
background-color: #B0C4DE;

I have added a css override for this but it might be worth fixing in the next release?

Also the issue with the text not showing on hover seems to be due to the hover colour being to similar to the background colour

a.mod_events_daylink:hover {
color: Silver;
text-decoration: none;

I have changed mine to aliceblue which seems to show up OK agains the background.
Hi, I just copied the content of the 3 files


and replaced the old ones with these. Is these an easier way of doing it?

That does seem to have done the trick but as today is the 15th and 15 was the date always highlighted before I will check again tomorrow.
I'm sorry but I don't understand how to do this. Can you please explain how I apply the fix.
6 years ago

Can you try my fix from:

Many thanks

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I can apply some custom styling to the links so not a big problem.
However when playing with the custom styling I also noticed a problem with the highlighting of today's date using the flat template for the mini calendar. I noticed that the highlight isn't just on the current day but on a day (seems to be the 15th) in some other months too. When I click back to the current month that same day (ie 15) is now highlighted and not today's date. See screenshot. It appears that the class flatcal_busylink is added which is the class that highlights the day. I would be grateful if you could have a look at this.
6 years ago

Yes we can add the current day in on the non-club themes I have it on my todo list.

But the link is an issue with your template. IT is highlighting clicked links in blue. This isn't something we control.

Many thanks

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I saw the list of layout next to the mini calendar "The screenshots show the Ext, Defaut, Geraint and Ruthin (club members) layouts." and assumed that they were in order but I see now that was my mistake. It's the Ruthin I wanted. I see it's Club feature only :-(

It does seem strange that the default doesn't have today highlighted when all the others seem to. Will you add that?

Yes it appears that if I click a black link that now turns blue. I would expect it to be the other way round.

The black (or blue) link text still disappears when I hover over the link.
6 years ago

The default theme doesn't have a highlighted current day at present.

I'm not seeing a huge difference between yours and the original default to be honest apart from yours has more events on?

Are the blug coloured link days possible ones you have already clucked? Can you try clicking a black one, going back and refreshing is that link now blue too?

Many thanks

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