Gold Member
  Monday, 07 August 2017
  10 Replies
  1.6K Visits
Joomla 3.7.4, JEvents 3.4.39

I have been playing with the timelimit plugin and some of the other settings, but still cannot do what I need to do. We schedule classes. Each class has several repeats. I want to make a list of ONLY the classes that have no repeats in the past, i.e., a list of upcoming classes. There is no point in showing class repeats for classes that have already started - no one can join the class in mid-term.

I like that a class can show "Event Started" but when I activate the timelimit plugin or click on the "no" to show past classes, classes that started in the past but have repeats in the future - those repeats are still showing in the list AND the "Event Started" tag doesn't show up.

But when I disable the timelimit plugin or click on "yes" to show past events, even classes that have no repeats in the future (are done and over with) are showing up, as well as classes with repeats in the past and future, and classes with repeats just in the future.

If I cannot get rid of the future repeats in a list, I would at least like to be able to include the "Event Started" tag. My preference (and my client's preference) is to have the option to NOT include ANY of the repeats of classes that have already started. Is this possible?
7 years ago

No that's fine. I have set the option in: Date Range -> Options -> Show all Repeats -> No.

This means it will only show the Event i.e. the very first event and not it's repeats.

Many thanks

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7 years ago
Thanks for the information. I probably haven't explained myself very well, and it appears that JEvent does not currently do what I needed done in this case.

Yes, all of the Event Start Date show today or in the future, however some of these "Event Start Dates" are just future REPEATS and are not the actual start date of the event (a class in this case) - i.e., the date of the FIRST repeat of the class. What I wanted to do is to list ONLY classes in which the date of the FIRST repeat is in the future.

There seems to be a real confusion in JEvents between the word "Event" and the word "Repeat." To me, an Event is made up of "Repeats" so an "Event Start Date" should be the date of the first repeat of an event, not the next future repeat. Hope I made some sense there.

I appreciate your help, but in this case, what I want does not appeat to be in JEvents. I may have to go in and change the code.
7 years ago

Now updated. Changing -0d to 0d. It says on all events Event Start Date: 12 August or further in the future.

Many thanks

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7 years ago
site details attached

menu item is in the Class Info menu (which can be found on the Classes and Calendar page from the main menu on the website), and is the item "Date Range"

7 years ago
Please provide super user logins and a link to your site in the Site Details section and what the menu item is and I will do it for you.

Many thanks

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7 years ago
NOW doesn't work (I get a DateTime::__construct).

As I said in my message, when I set the date range from -0d (or 0d) to 1y, I still get classes that started in the past, but no tag that says "Class Started, and the start date shown is the next repeat, not the date of the first repeat.

What I'd like to see is if the tag "Class Started" (or "Event Started";) is relevant, then the class would not be shown at all.
7 years ago

Check your date range it's set from 1969! Which means an invalid date was entered. 0 is no good. Try NOW or 0d.

Many thanks

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7 years ago
Also, when I set the date range from 0 to +1y, I get the classes that started in the past and the tag "Class Started," which is a code change from "Event Started", and the start date is the date of the first repeat.

However, when I set the date range from -0d to 1y, I still get classes that started in the past, but no tag, and the start date shown is the next repeat, not the date of the first repeat.
7 years ago
Thank you for your reply.

I have set a menu item for date range with the setting of relative start from today of 0. In the configuration for JEvents under Year/Category/Range View, I have set "Show Past events" to No, and "Show All repeat events in list" to No. But I am still seeing classes that started in the past (see attached image) with repeats in the future.

Am I missing something?
7 years ago

ok so you want to create a range view menu item for instance and set show show individual repeats = No. Then it will show the first master event of each series.

Many thanks

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