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  Saturday, 09 March 2013
  13 Replies
  3.7K Visits

Very attractive feature set in JEvents so doing a test drive before I deploy. Running it through the paces today, prompts several questions.

1. Demo layouts online @ your site very distinct and varied. When I change layouts among the ones that download, no appreciable change in appearance, and ZERO change on dedicated calendar page. Why would that be?

2. You provide example of a sport club using several calendars, common viewing by filtering on category. I can't seem to search or filter by calendar, so what is the purpose of multiple calendars?

3. I easily loaded events from .ics files when CREATING a calendar. Is there no way to add from .ics or URL by loading to EXISTING calendar(s)?
12 years ago

Very attractive feature set in JEvents so doing a test drive before I deploy. Running it through the paces today, prompts several questions.

1. Demo layouts online @ your site very distinct and varied. When I change layouts among the ones that download, no appreciable change in appearance, and ZERO change on dedicated calendar page. Why would that be?

The demo pages include layouts only available to club members - see . Also make sure you check the config option for your menu items - did you change the layout there or in the global config?

2. You provide example of a sport club using several calendars, common viewing by filtering on category. I can't seem to search or filter by calendar, so what is the purpose of multiple calendars?

Filtering menu items by calendar is a silver member addon.

Multiple calendars allows imports from external sources e.g. google calendar and also can be used for a separate 'dimension' e.g. calendars could be 'male' and 'female' and the categories different types of sports.

Silver members also have access to a tags addon which allow you to classify your events in a different way again

3. I easily loaded events from .ics files when CREATING a calendar. Is there no way to add from .ics or URL by loading to EXISTING calendar(s)?

Yes - enable ical imports in the frontend n the config and import there using the import events link

JEvents Club members can get priority forum support at the Support Forum. As well as access to a variety of custom JEvents addons and benefits. Join the JEvents club today!

12 years ago
Undo[/url] ... s-features
Also make sure you check the config option for your menu items - did you change the layout there or in the global config?

In my initial testing, all layout changes were done in component global config tabs. I intend to use JEvents primarily in modules (responsive design, RocketThemes template Graffito).

In this round, I tested "module specific" changes, but the results were not promising:
JEvent Calendar: layout drop down DID effect changes.
Latest JEvents: layout drop down did NOT effect any changes.

NOTE: Using ... s-features as a reference point, and global config, I intermittently saw Latest JEvents properly format to layouts default and alternative, but NEVER ext or geraint.

...filter by calendar, so what is the purpose of multiple calendars?

Filtering menu items by calendar is a silver member add on...access to a tags...Multiple calendars allows imports from external sources...

Points taken.

3. I easily loaded events from .ics files when CREATING a calendar. Is there no way to add from .ics or URL by loading to EXISTING calendar(s)?

Yes - enable ical imports in the frontend n the config and import there using the import events link

Okay. I changed the setting iCal frontend to Yes. I found no resulting "import" buttons or links on frontend modules or the Monthly Calendar, nor in the component CP Manage Events. I looked to create a menu item type "Import" and see none provided.

So the features by silver memberships seem to be a must for me, though the layout ext (if working in all respects) will suffice for presentation. My concern is the current bad behavior, and a bit more on import. Thoughts?

PS: I find settings to attach a signature, but nowhere to create the signature block to attach. <!-- s;-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";-)" title="Wink" /><!-- s;-) -->
12 years ago
When you edit the menu item there is a parameter that controls which layout to use - have you set this to 'global' or ext ??

For the iCal import - are you logged in as a user who can administer events? If so the link will be with the 'Add Event' link at the bottom of each JEvents component page.


p.s. we had to disable the signature for new members since spammers were using it inapropriately - after you have posted 10 times you can create a signature (from memory).

JEvents Club members can get priority forum support at the Support Forum. As well as access to a variety of custom JEvents addons and benefits. Join the JEvents club today!

12 years ago
When you edit the menu item there is a parameter that controls which layout to use - have you set this to 'global' or ext ??

I mentioned in last post, I'm not publishing the modules to menus, but direct to template defined positions. So using Module Manager/Basic Options/Choose layout view, YES, ext, alternative etc. etc. selected, saved, and no change to layout on front side.

For the iCal import - are you logged in as a user who can administer events? If so the link will be with the 'Add Event' link at the bottom of each JEvents component page.

Yes, admin login (no trouble adding, editing, iCal importing from component's "Manage Events" tab). No such "Add Event" link on monthly calendar page or within any module position.
12 years ago
I don't understand your point about direct module positions in the template - what I need to know is for your menu item what setting did you select for the jevents layout to use?

If you don't see the 'add event' link under the main calendar then you are not logged in as a user authorised to create events (or at least not on that menu item).

Double check that you are logged in and check the Joomla ACL permissions for your user in JEvents and in the categories that you have created.

JEvents Club members can get priority forum support at the Support Forum. As well as access to a variety of custom JEvents addons and benefits. Join the JEvents club today!

12 years ago
I don't understand your point about direct module positions in the template - what I need to know is for your menu item what setting did you select for the jevents layout to use?

Using menu manager, I found the unpublished sample menu (type JEvents), the menu item for Monthly Calendar, and successfully reset to layout "ext." As I intend, accessible only by click through from Module JEvents Calendar, presented in the format I wish. Thank you.

Now I'd like to do the same for JE modules Latest, Legend, Filters. Must I assign each to a JE menu type, set the layout, then leave unpublished? Will layouts stick when published to modules positions defined by the template vendor?

If you don't see the 'add event' link under the main calendar then you are not logged in as a user authorised to create events (or at least not on that menu item).

Double check that you are logged in and check the Joomla ACL permissions for your user in JEvents and in the categories that you have created.

So you meant I was not logged in FRONT side? I config my privileges backside, event management preferred by front side login? Odd, that.

Referring back to earlier post, then CREATE calendars by import of .ics or url on back side, ADD to existing JEvent calendars by import of .ics files or url on front side?
12 years ago

1. Do not leave the menu types unpublished they will not take effect. Put them in a hidden menu structure published but not in any place on your site i.e. module. Joomla! Templates will be applied to the target menu item if you set them there.

2. Sorry I don't follow? It's preferred backsite. But to import just an .ics this is in the front side we are going to be implementing it in the backend to. At present to import and .ics file in the backend you need to create a new calendar.


JEvents Club members can get priority forum support at the Support Forum. As well as access to a variety of custom JEvents addons and benefits. Join the JEvents club today!Join the JEvents club today!

12 years ago

1. Do not leave the menu types unpublished they will not take effect. Put them in a hidden menu structure published but not in any place on your site i.e. module. Joomla! Templates will be applied to the target menu item if you set them there.

Hi Tony,

I can put them in the menu structure as you suggest. A suitable menu type is fairly obvious for calendars, lists, events, but types for JE modules Latest, Legend, Filters are not. Which type(s) do you suggest?
12 years ago
If its for menus/modules just use year view.


JEvents Club members can get priority forum support at the Support Forum. As well as access to a variety of custom JEvents addons and benefits. Join the JEvents club today!Join the JEvents club today!

10 years ago
When I change the CHOOSE LAYOUT VIEW in configuration - the calendar layout does not change.

I did search the forum and found this:

However, that doesn't seem to fix it. I am sure I am missing something, just not sure what!

10 years ago
Hello Jim,

If you change the layout but it does not change then please check your menu items and modules. They all have layout override capabilities which allow you to select a select for that menu item or module. In doing this it overrides the default one.

Change it back to use global.


JEvents Club members can get priority forum support at the Support Forum. As well as access to a variety of custom JEvents addons and benefits. Join the JEvents club today!Join the JEvents club today!

10 years ago
I checked the menu item and and any related modules that I could find - they are all set to USE global. The odd thing, is if I add the Layout switcher module to the page, they layout switch will change the layout successfully?

10 years ago
Can you send me login details via PM and I'll take a look for you

JEvents Club members can get priority forum support at the Support Forum. As well as access to a variety of custom JEvents addons and benefits. Join the JEvents club today!

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