Tuesday, 18 June 2024
  8 Replies
  431 Visits
Hi everyone,

I'm using JEvents and the JEvents Notify plugin to manage event notifications on my Joomla website (Joomla version 3.4). I'm facing some issues with cron jobs and new event notifications, and I'm aware that my PHP version is outdated (currently using PHP 5.6).

System Crash & Restore: Our system recently crashed, and after restoring it, we noticed the cron jobs for JEvents Notify weren't functioning. We've tried re-adding the cron jobs, but they still aren't running automatically.

New Event Notifications: Consequently, users aren't receiving notifications for newly created events. Is there something specific we might have missed during the cron job restoration, or could this be a separate issue with the plugin configuration?

I understand upgrading PHP to a supported version would be ideal, but I'm exploring options given my current setup. Any guidance on troubleshooting these notification issues, especially considering the recent system crash and cron job restoration, would be greatly appreciated.
dkcribz77 set the post as Critical priority — 8 months ago
dkcribz77 set the type of the post as  Technical — 8 months ago
8 months ago
Can you try running the URL you use in the cronjob in a web browser to see what errors it throws.

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8 months ago
@geraint Thank you for that , it seems to be running but not all users ( including 2 admins ) are not getting the jevents notification email ..

More Info : Ive been told its batch to 50 emails

some of the output

Sent message to jmontano
Sent message to Cary Stewart Sklaren
Could not send message to user 624 this user no longer exists
Deleted notifications for missing user 624
Could not send message to user 619 this user no longer exists
Deleted notifications for missing user 619
Could not send message to user 827 this user no longer exists
Deleted notifications for missing user 827
Sent message to Steven Orlowski
Send 14 notifications
8 months ago

PHP Version : 5.6.40
MySQL Version : 5.6.51
Server Information : Linux vps.nycal.net 3.10.0-1160.105.1.vz7.214.3 #1 SMP Tue Jan 9 19:45:01 MSK 2024 x86_64
Fix jQuery? : Yes
Load JEvents Bootstrap CSS? : Yes
Max Input Vars ? : 1000
Club code set? : Yes
User Agent : Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
Joomla : 3.6.5
component_com_jevents : 3.4.43
module_mod_jevents_cal : 3.4.43
module_mod_jevents_custom : 3.4.43
module_mod_jevents_filter : 3.4.43
module_mod_jevents_latest : 3.4.43
module_mod_jevents_legend : 3.4.43
module_mod_jevents_notify : 3.0.5
module_mod_jevents_switchview : 3.4.43
layout_JEventsExtPlusLayout : 3.4.6
plugin_content_jevents : 3.4.43
plugin_finder_jevents : 3.4.43
plugin_installer_jeventsinstaller : 3.4.43
plugin_jevents_jevcustomfields : 3.5.8
plugin_jevents_jevfiles : 3.7.14
plugin_jevents_jevnotify : 3.4.0
plugin_search_eventsearch : 3.4.43
plugin_system_gwejson : 3.4.43
8 months ago
seems myself and the other joomla site amdin are not getting the cronjobs "sendnotifications.php" from Jevnotify .. any ideas ?
8 months ago
Did "Steven Orlowski" get his email?

how have you configured the sender address?

Do you have a sent mail log for your domain?

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8 months ago
Unexpected Old Event Notifications: Users are receiving notifications for past calendar events. While I initially suspected this might be related to my manual testing of the script (as suggested in another forum thread), the issue seems to be broader. Today, I identified emails being sent for events that predate a server crash we experienced on May 8th, 2024. These emails appear in the log file. I assume there was a potential backlog of events to sent out ..

My cronjob currently

/opt/cpanel/ea-php56/root/usr/bin/php /home/my_domain/public_html/plugins/jevents/jevnotify/sendnotifications.php > public_html/plugins/jevents/jevnotify/logfile.txt 2>&1

No errors being logged ..

Testing Discrepancy: I manually tested the script through the browser, and email logs confirmed emails were sent. However, there's a discrepancy: initially, only emails for newly tested events were sent. Now, the issue seems to be duplicate notifications for past ("old") events, not new ones.

The email log suggests the cronjob isn't running every 5 minutes as intended. All sent emails seem to be from my manual browser testing of the script. Additionally, admin emails, which previously worked, are no longer being delivered. We haven't made any configuration changes beyond re-adding the cronjob.
8 months ago
UPDATE : I have through the send mail logs discovered that the cronjobs are not running as scheduled and all the notifications send in previous log post crash was from my manual URL cron job testing in the browser, users recieved old notifications but yet admins still do not ...

any help is much appreciated !! this has me baffled !!
8 months ago
It could be that the path to wget or curl in your cronjob settings is wrong.

e.g. /opt/cpanel/ea-php56/root/usr/bin/php suggests you are running PHP version 5.6 which will probably throw an error (assuming its still installed on your server)

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