Monday, 23 April 2018
  5 Replies
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I am using JEvents 3.4.44 and have been asked to make some edits to calendar event behavior for a site being developed. I would like to ask where to make the change for this feature. By default after creating a new calendar event, the user is redirected to the page of the newly created event. We would like to change this so that the user is redirected to the calendar main page, shown by month. Any recommendations for me to implement this?

Thank you for your help.
6 years ago

No problem.

The issue is if you are editing in the popup from the event details it wouldn't redirect you anywhere. Just close the popup.

You should look at the JEvents -> Custom LAyouts -> List Row and include the edit icon here, then from any list row users who can edit events will see the edit icon and can edit in a popup.

Many thanks

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6 years ago
I am editing the JEvents custom layouts and the configuration on a site being developed. I will say that I am new and that I am picking up where a student left off on this. You seem to be suggesting that the behavior we want should be occurring by default in comment #1, as we are using the Edit in Popup window. I will continue to look into this, and if there is any other advise you could provide it would be well received.
6 years ago

Are you editing it in the event details?

IF you customise the event list row custom layout you can include the edit tag which will show an edit icon to event editors in list view and allow them to stay in 1 place.

Many thanks

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6 years ago
Hello Tony,

Thank you for your response. I have changed the settings to allow editing in pop-ups. But on saving an event, deleting an event, or choosing other options in the edit dialog the user is still being sent to other pages, rather than the page they were on originally which is the main calendar page. We would like the user to remain on their original page. Do you have recommendations?
6 years ago

Did you look into the JEvents Popup Event Editing? This would mean when saved they are shown the page they were on.

Many thanks

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