Saturday, 28 May 2022
  3 Replies
  1.4K Visits
Hope for new version of jEvents have feature settings Saturday and Sunday day to red color text same as News Calendar Extension.

Picture to describe feature :
2 years ago
Accepted Answer
Is that the mini-calendar module - you can achieve this using CSS very easily. If you give us the URL we can give you some assistance if you need

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2 years ago
Please don't change the core CSS file - you will loose your changes when you upgrade.

You should add this to the JEvents custom css file - there is a menu item to allow you to do this from the backend of JEvents

JEvents Club members can get priority forum support at the Support Forum. As well as access to a variety of custom JEvents addons and benefits. Join the JEvents club today!

2 years ago
Is that the mini-calendar module - you can achieve this using CSS very easily. If you give us the URL we can give you some assistance if you need

Thanks you to introduce , I have answer use CSS to change text color and font weight of holiday to example.

Path file to edit CSS with Phoca Commander : components/com_jevents/views/alternative/assets/css/modstyle.css

.mod_events_td_daywithevents > a.mod_events_daylink:link {
color: red;
font-weight: 900;

.mod_events_td_daywithevents > a.mod_events_daylink:visited {
color: red;
font-weight: 900;

Credit :
2 years ago
Accepted Answer
Is that the mini-calendar module - you can achieve this using CSS very easily. If you give us the URL we can give you some assistance if you need

JEvents Club members can get priority forum support at the Support Forum. As well as access to a variety of custom JEvents addons and benefits. Join the JEvents club today!

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