Tuesday, 02 August 2022
  5 Replies
  1.5K Visits
This popup just started within weeks or a few months.
It only occurs when someone clicks on the link for a JEvent event. or a refresh of the page. May be related to the use RSVP Pro.
I have seen another post about bootstrap and it is set for Joomla core.

We are using Joomla 3.10.10 and the latest of JEvents/RSVP Pro.

The website is http://www.tidewaterems.org and you can click on any of the few upcoming classes at the bottom.
2 years ago
Accepted Answer
It appears that the bootstrap library (which creates the popovers) isn't loading in time for some reason.

I suspect its because your site is loading a second copy of jQuery from your mailing list extensions

<script src="https://lists.vaems.org/dada_mail_support_files/static/javascripts/vendor/jquery-3.6.0.min.js"></script>

This version doesn't support popovers and so it throws this error

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2 years ago
Sorry for the delayed response I am on vacation at present and was ill the first few days after arriving - catching up on forums posts now. Taking a look now

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2 years ago
Accepted Answer
It appears that the bootstrap library (which creates the popovers) isn't loading in time for some reason.

I suspect its because your site is loading a second copy of jQuery from your mailing list extensions

<script src="https://lists.vaems.org/dada_mail_support_files/static/javascripts/vendor/jquery-3.6.0.min.js"></script>

This version doesn't support popovers and so it throws this error

JEvents Club members can get priority forum support at the Support Forum. As well as access to a variety of custom JEvents addons and benefits. Join the JEvents club today!

2 years ago
Thank you for your reponse. That took care of the issue.

I hope you are feeling better now.
Take care,
1 year ago
I am having the same popup error when I load a calendar. Error statement is: problem with popovers! Failed to load UIkit popovers

Site is: https://nibchurch.com/calendar/

I can't find a JQuery file similar to the response above, but am probably not looking at it right.

Would appreciate any help you can give!
Gary Marsh
1 year ago
gmarsh I suspect you have configured JEvents to use UIkit popovers - please set it to use Joomla native bootstrap as your template is not a uikit template

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