Gold Member
  Friday, 22 April 2022
  5 Replies
  660 Visits
I want to use the float theme for menu items with the category view, but I don't have an option to select the float theme like in the day view. I can only choose from the 5 standard theme's.
If I look into the folder com_events/views/float there seems to be a cat folder, suggesting float should work with categories. Am I missing something here?
2 years ago
This is not currently implemented - the day, week, month and year views use the date range code to deliver the float results.

I will look at what is possible for the category view which uses different code and report back in the silver member forum

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2 years ago
And can you please make the float theme language independent? At the moment it has hard coded English strings all over the placeā€¦
2 years ago
We are using language strings but unfortunately we were not loading the language files!!

If you add this code


At line 40 of components/com_jevents/views/float/helpers/floatviewhelperheader16.php after

$lang = Factory::getLanguage();

It should allow you to pick up the translation for the float theme

p.s. This is included in the next release.

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2 years ago
What I'm seeing is that there are 5 html files in the day view that have hard coded English text. Not sure how this can be made language independent.
2 years ago
Ah - you mean the 'defaults' folder under the float theme view?

These are templates for the custom layouts - if you use the layout editor in JEvents you can localise these strings.

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