Tuesday, 25 October 2022
  6 Replies
  450 Visits
Hello folks,

it's my first post,

If I make an appointment from October 31st to November 3rd, it will only appear to schedule until October 31st.
Does this happen to you too?
2 years ago
Can you give us the URL?

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2 years ago
perhaps i can't explained well.

Let me do again.

making a multi-day schedule starting in one month and ending in another month will only appear in the initial month.

2 years ago
Now I understand - the silver club member themes (https://www.jevents.net/products-new/club-addons/club-themes and https://www.jevents.net/download-area/silver-downloads/club-themes ) allow you to show events in the month calendar that extend over the end of a month or start before the beginning of the month

JEvents Club members can get priority forum support at the Support Forum. As well as access to a variety of custom JEvents addons and benefits. Join the JEvents club today!

2 years ago
Thank you geraint,
I understand what you're saying. I respect jevents' policies, but from now on jevents is no longer a free or basic calendar to be used. Google calendar has won in terms of your usability policies.

I respect your policies and as such I will uninstall Jevents as I am very sorry, as I am a fervent fan of jevents.

Please don't hold a grudge against me because I won't hold it against you either.
a hug.

Bugio :(
2 years ago
I'm fairly certain that previous versons of jevents displayed multiday events that spanned a month end. But I think I'm having the same problem as Bugio. Am I to understand that this functionality has been removed? Or was it never there before and I'm just imagining things?
2 years ago
It was never supported I'm afraid - the club themes offer a configurable option to show multi-day events over the the few days before or after the displayed month as well as multi-day spanning layouts.

As you know, the core of JEvents is free and out of the box offers a massive range of configurable options and sophisticated layout options. However, it generates no revenue in its own right and without the the income generated by users paying for club membership to gain access to a wide ranges of addons, such as club themes, it would not be possible to maintain. Sorry :(

JEvents Club members can get priority forum support at the Support Forum. As well as access to a variety of custom JEvents addons and benefits. Join the JEvents club today!

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