Tuesday, 09 May 2023
  1 Replies
  1K Visits
Hi. We´re using a Joomla 3.10.11 page and we can not update yet to 4.x We use Jevents 3.6.53.
The problem is, that we need to change the time displayed from 12hr to 24hr mode.
We can not access the 'edit event' section in the config in the backend. There´s a blank white space.
So, the next question is: How ot change the simple parameter 12/24hr format in the database?

That would be great to simply change that parameter....
fischerandreas set the post as Normal priority — 1 year ago
fischerandreas set the type of the post as  Bug — 1 year ago
1 year ago
If you you have a blank white page try enabling error reporting and Joomla debug mode in the Joomla config that will help resolve the cause of this problem.

You could try editing the config but its stored in a complex JSON params field in the Joomla extensions table

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