Monday, 05 September 2022
  3 Replies
  465 Visits
Working on the conference program, I am missing the Preceeding Day/Next Day Links (See image attached) . In spite of spending hours, I cannot find the setting to enable these.

Any help would be appreciated.
2 years ago
Have you create a 'day list' menu item?

If you look at the code in the template override

// previous and following month names and links
$followingDay = $this->datamodel->getFollowingDay($this->year, $this->month, $this->day);
$precedingDay = $this->datamodel->getPrecedingDay($this->year, $this->month, $this->day);

<div class="jevbootstrap">
<div id='jev_maincal' class='jev_listview jev_<?php echo $this->colourscheme;?>'>
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="row-fluid jev-conference-day">
<div class="span4 previousmonth center" >
<?php if ($precedingDay) echo "<a href='".$precedingDay."' title='".JText::_("PRECEEDING_Day")."' >".JText::_("PRECEEDING_Day")."</a>";?>
<div class="span4 center">
<?php echo JEventsHTML::getDateFormat( $this->year, $this->month, $this->day, 0) ;?>
<div class="span4 nextmonth center">
<?php //if ($followingDay) echo "<a href='".$followingDay."' title='".JText::_("FOLLOWING_Day")."' >". JText::_("FOLLOWING_Day")."</a>";?>


The only reason $precedingDay would be empty is if you have a date limit but that would only affect year ends.

You'll see the followingDay has been commented out (just in case you want to use that).

If you'd like me to take a quick look can you include the URL and login details on the private site details tab below

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2 years ago
I would very much appreciate your help to look at the site.
2 years ago
The preceeding and following day links are now there - you had the links commented out.

I have also fixed a problem where you only have the one 'global' room

//we show rooms on the top
if(isset($rooms) && count($rooms) > 0)
$roomsNumber = count($rooms);

if(isset($rooms['global']) && $roomsNumber > 1)
$roomsNumber += -1;

I also added a fix for your modal popups in JEvents with this extra custom CSS

.jevbootstrap .modal:not(.jeviso-modal) > .modal-dialog {
max-width: 100%;

JEvents Club members can get priority forum support at the Support Forum. As well as access to a variety of custom JEvents addons and benefits. Join the JEvents club today!

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