Gold Member
  Monday, 20 June 2022
  14 Replies
  882 Visits

I'm have a problem with creating events in the frontend, when allowing a certain Joomla user group to add and edit events. I use the Joomla ACL settings in the permission settings and disabled User Authorisation. In the frontend I have a menu item for adding new events. But the user in the user group ('organisations') gets an error: you are not authorized.
There is no add event option below the calendar as well.

If I log in as a superadmin in the frontend, then the (super)user is allowed to add events.
If I set User authorisation to Yes, and create a JEvent user linked to the user in the Joomla usergroup, then the user is allow to add events too. Since we have hundreds of users, I don't want to create authorised users for each one.

And: in both cases I can't edit an existing event, neither as a superadmin nor as a owner.

The user is allowed to create locations.

This is urgent, since we had planned to launch our site today or tomorrow by latest.

I'm using the latest version of JEvents v3.6.38 on Joomla 4
2 years ago
I did a test on a clean Joomla 4 site with a new install of the free JEvents (with no extras). It seems things are working fine there.
My current development site is one migrated from Joomla 3. So somewhere the access rights seem to be screwed.

What I've done is copied the row in the assets table of the test-site pointing to the access rights of JEvents. I pasted the rules into my development site. Now a user can add new events. A user can't edit own events though. (Which is possible on my test site)

So need urgent help though… Any thoughts?
2 years ago
I'm wondering if the problem is in the category permissions?

If you can give me login details I can take a look - I'll need login details for a test user as well as a user that can look at the permission settings in the backend,

JEvents Club members can get priority forum support at the Support Forum. As well as access to a variety of custom JEvents addons and benefits. Join the JEvents club today!

2 years ago
Thank you for the support. How can send you the login to our site safely? I've created a new super admin and a frontend user on our developer site..
2 years ago
I have three instances of my site voor testing and developing. They all act differently on this matter:

  1. A copy of my live site (with old content), Joomla 3. Just installed JEvents a while ago with all needed plugins. No altering of anything else, like template or plugins.

Result: User can add and edit events.

  1. A copy of my live site in which we started developing the new site. Joomla 3 version. Yootheme pro template. Removed all unnecessary components. Installed JEvents and plugins

Result: User can add and edit events only when he is added as a JEvents user and configuration is set to User authorisation for permissions.

  1. A migrated Joomla 4 version of the above J3 development site.

Result:Users can't add or edit events.

(Partial) solution found
After comparing the three instances, I noticed that the copy of the live site [1] had the Managed People plugin installed. I had tested that one in the beginning, but found no use for it. I installed the plugin on both other sites and this resulted in the following:

  • On the J3 development site [2] the user can now add and edit events.
  • On the J4 development site [3] the user can now add events, but can't edit own events. No matter if the access rights are set bij Joomla acl or by Authorised users. This also applies to any superuser.

So two questions here remain:
1. Why is the Manage People plugin needed? Or rather, what trace does it leave behind, when uninstalling it.
2. Am I missing a setting that the J4 site doesn't allow users to edit own events?
2 years ago
I've done some more testing. I've installed a clean Joomla 4 site on a local server. Users can create and edit events.
Then I copied the JEvents and categories database tables from our developer site. Now users can create events, but can't edit own events. Not even the super admin. So it seems somewhere in the JEvents settings something is preventing me from editing events. It still is strange that even the super admin isn't allowed to edit events.
2 years ago
Have you enabled "authorised user mode" in JEvents by mistake? If you do even a super user needs to be set up as an authorised user.

Other things to check are the category specific permissions.

If you can get the sandbox site to 'miss-behave' I can take a look.

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2 years ago
Where can I find the Authorised Usermode option?
2 years ago
In the JEvents config on the permissions tab.

JEvents Club members can get priority forum support at the Support Forum. As well as access to a variety of custom JEvents addons and benefits. Join the JEvents club today!

2 years ago
You probably mean "Enable User Authorisation". This is set 'no' .
2 years ago
You still have access to the sandbox. Issue is still there too.
2 years ago
Is the issue that you don't see a pencil icon?

I've added this to your event detail layout and now I can edit the test event I created

JEvents Club members can get priority forum support at the Support Forum. As well as access to a variety of custom JEvents addons and benefits. Join the JEvents club today!

2 years ago
Please don't tell me I've been cracking my head all week ons this issue and it was justing something as simple as that it was missing in the template… :o

It is showing now and I can edit the event.
2 years ago
Don't worry we've all been there!

JEvents Club members can get priority forum support at the Support Forum. As well as access to a variety of custom JEvents addons and benefits. Join the JEvents club today!

2 years ago
Yes, I've been there before. A missing komma or a hidden space in the code, or making changes on one site and testing it on the wrong frontend. But that it took us four days to find out, makes one cry.

I would like to say thank you, thank you, thank you for all the help the past week. You guys are great! Buy yourselves a beer or two this evening and send me the bill. I'll pay for it. ;)
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