I have three instances of my site voor testing and developing. They all act differently on this matter:
- A copy of my live site (with old content), Joomla 3. Just installed JEvents a while ago with all needed plugins. No altering of anything else, like template or plugins.
Result: User can add and edit events.
- A copy of my live site in which we started developing the new site. Joomla 3 version. Yootheme pro template. Removed all unnecessary components. Installed JEvents and plugins
Result: User can add and edit events only when he is added as a JEvents user and configuration is set to User authorisation for permissions.
- A migrated Joomla 4 version of the above J3 development site.
Result:Users can't add or edit events.
(Partial) solution found
After comparing the three instances, I noticed that the copy of the live site [1] had the
Managed People plugin installed. I had tested that one in the beginning, but found no use for it. I installed the plugin on both other sites and this resulted in the following:
- On the J3 development site [2] the user can now add and edit events.
- On the J4 development site [3] the user can now add events, but can't edit own events. No matter if the access rights are set bij Joomla acl or by Authorised users. This also applies to any superuser.
So two questions here remain:
1. Why is the Manage People plugin needed? Or rather, what trace does it leave behind, when uninstalling it.
2. Am I missing a setting that the J4 site doesn't allow users to edit own events?