Friday, 26 March 2021
  2 Replies
  814 Visits

I just updated the resources, and I can't add recourses anymore. Can you fix it?
3 years ago
Accepted Answer
These changes are valid and will be included in the next release (though I will register jeventshelper in the landing jevpeople.php)

The problem was that we hadn't tested the managed people addon in isolation (i.e. without the managed locations and custom fields extensions enabled.

Sorry for the delayed responses

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3 years ago
Hi Again,

We hacked the jevents Resource plugin to make it work:

There are the 2 changes needed to make it work:

This issue manifests as a JS error. The problem is that the jevents library that handles popups isn’t loaded in the php section so it never registers the js file to be loaded on the client.

The solution loads the module and the calls a method to register the script.

File: /administrator/components/com_jevents/views/icalevent/tmpl/edit_uikit.php

Line: ~49


JLoader::register('JevModal', JPATH_LIBRARIES . "/jevents/jevmodal/jevmodal.php");

This issue results in an error within the popup when selecting resources. The error message was something like “;JEventsHelper' class not found“.

The solution is to simply load the class.

File: \administrator\components\com_jevpeople\controllers\people.php

Line #: ~41

Add: (line after “PluginHelper …“)

JLoader::register('JEventsHelper', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . "/components/com_jevents/helpers/jevents.php");

We are going to the production with the hack, but can you fix it in the new release?
3 years ago
Accepted Answer
These changes are valid and will be included in the next release (though I will register jeventshelper in the landing jevpeople.php)

The problem was that we hadn't tested the managed people addon in isolation (i.e. without the managed locations and custom fields extensions enabled.

Sorry for the delayed responses

JEvents Club members can get priority forum support at the Support Forum. As well as access to a variety of custom JEvents addons and benefits. Join the JEvents club today!

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