Wednesday, 20 March 2013
  2 Replies
  1.7K Visits

Looks like you have a great looking product - I need some assistance on how to architect for my client's site; part of which is the version that I need to procure.

We have meeting dates (and times) set in an existing MySQL table which is copied from a legacy software system in the business. I am conscious that I don't want to store the same piece of data in two places for obvious data primacy reasons.

How does JEvents handle this situation, if at all? I have some quite specific downstream processes (e.g. automated PDF meeting agendas) already working that I would prefer not to spend too much time re-engineering.

Can someone please help me with some high level advice?


11 years ago
Also we have a couple of silver level club member scripts that allow the importing of events from SobiPro, Community Builder and JomSocial - these construct iCal files from database data. So if you know some basic PHP you could adapt one of these scripts to match your own database structure.

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11 years ago
Hello Dean,

Geraint will be able to provide some more indepth advice tomorrow. (working UK times 9-5).

But, JEvents is an ICal based calendar. You can use it as the primary or the slave, i.e. if you have an ICal url you can create a new calendar in JEvents and have a cron run to auto-update this. You can also set certain events to locked which are not to be overwritten by the master calendar.

For date formatting we use the standard ICal date formatting.

Can you produce an ICal file from your current system? even a url?

If not, can you integrate with Google? so you can then pull from Google?


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