Tuesday, 05 March 2013
  26 Replies
  6.7K Visits

I have been searching up on J events and like it quite a bit on what i see.

I got a few questions, if any of these are possible (in paid plugins)

1) Is there a way to see if user attended a event and it is assigned to their username/account. Also it counts how many hours the user was there for.

2) Host approves that a user attended an event.

11 years ago
Thank you for your quick reply
We use Mosets Tree as our Directory Listing (nothing to do with events). We had an issue with DT Register 'injecting' a code into Mosets Tree on last few upgrades that took people from the Categorie listings to a DT Register Event listing on our Site (a list of all our events) instead of to a business who would have been listed under that category. Mosets Tree found that issue and I have passed it onto DT Register, however, we are not being successful with the program. There is also a PHP issue - Execution Time -with DT Register... so once you enter registration the info it just hangs and then eventually times out, so it doesn't complete. What are your PHP requirements, etc. for your product. Thanks for all you help.
11 years ago
PHP 5.2 or greater - a recent version of 5.3 is recommended.

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11 years ago
Thank you for this information.
My New web developer and I will be meeting in mid April and we'll review and look at how we can move forward with the Club version.
Thanks again for being so quick to respond.
11 years ago

Can you please email me information to <!-- e --><a href="mailto:s.mushtaq@arc.unsw.edu.au]s.mushtaq@arc.unsw.edu.au[/url]<!-- e --> about gold Jevents and what it entails. So i can show my supervisor and get funding for gold.
11 years ago
Hi Mushi

the best information is in the demo videos (bottom of this page http://www.jevents.net/jevents-club/demo-videos), these articles (http://www.jevents.net/products/attenda ... -reminders) and answers to your questions in this forum.

If after trying out the gold member addons for a couple of weeks thy don't do what you need then you can request a refund and cancelling your membership by sending me a PM here in this forum


JEvents Club members can get priority forum support at the Support Forum. As well as access to a variety of custom JEvents addons and benefits. Join the JEvents club today!

11 years ago

This is Rich, the owner of DTH Development. Wendy posted a comment about our product that was totally inaccurate. Our product, DT Register doesn't inject any code or alter any programs when installed or used. At some point, Wendy had some malware installed on her system not caused by DT Register but by some other program. The owner of Mosets told Wendy that DT Register must have an issue and so she has decided to spread the inaccurate information. I have sent a copy of our product to Lee at Mosets proving that the product doesn't inject code and hopefully Wendy will quit spreading inaccurate information.

Best Regards,
DTH Development
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