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  Monday, 20 April 2009
  10 Replies
  5.3K Visits
I am trying to use JEvents in Japanese environment. There is a Japanese language ini, partically translated. But I have problems showing dates in calendar.
I want insert 2byte characters(kanji) in dates. I wonder how that is possible.
I use JEvents 1.5 on Joomla 1.5.9, site is not open for public yet.
15 years ago
Can you explain which is correct? Also can you upload the japanese translation so I can test?

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15 years ago
Please see <!-- l --><a class="postlink-local" href=";t=1831]viewtopic.php?f=16&t=1831[/url]<!-- l -->

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15 years ago
I am having the same problem with missing characters. Everything else is working fine and my translation into Japanese is moving along. Is there any easy fix for the missing characters?
15 years ago
Can explain in a bit more detail what the problem is - I don't really understand I'm afraid.


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15 years ago
As you can see in the graphic the character for year and day ought to follow the numbers for year and day, as it does for the month. Does that make sense?
15 years ago
These dates are generated by the php function strftime and a standardised format e.g. "%d %B %Y" see

What would you call these extra characters? Can you do a search online to see if this problem arises in another program? I can't find anything useful on any english sites I'm afraid.

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15 years ago
I can't find anything either. I tried looking at php sites in Japanese but that was like a stroll through satan's backyard so I gave up.

Interesting that you say it's %d %B % %Y... that might be why the month is working because in Japanese the months don't have names but are written as number+character for month. Would it be possible to change the string to %d+"character for day" %B %Y+"character for year" or something like that?

Whereas something like 2009/12/15 looks naturally in English and not too bad in Japanese... 2009 12 15 looks odd and 2009 12? 15 (i.e. just the month character showing) looks even stranger... that said it at least prevents misunderstandings when the dates are less than 13.
15 years ago
We currently have 3 date format types French, US and German - I could add Japanese too

If you can recommend a preferred set of formats for the 6 scenarios below then I can incorporate these.

	/************** Date format ******************
* case "0":
* // Fr style : Monday 23 Juillet 2003
* // Us style : Monday, Juillet 23 2003
* case "1":
* // Fr style : 23 Juillet 2003
* // Us style : Juillet 23, 2003
* case "2":
* // Fr style : 23 Juillet
* // Us style : Juillet, 23
* case "3":
* // Fr style : Juillet 2003
* // Us style : Juillet 2003
* case "4":
* // Fr style : 23/07/2003
* // Us style : 07/23/2003
* case "5":
* // Fr style : 23/07
* // Us style : 07/23
* case "6":
* // Fr style : 07/2003
* // Us style : 07/2003

For JEvents 1.5.4 I'll set these up as translation strings so that its easier to customise/maintain.

Note that you can actually put the missing symbols/text in the format string


"%A, %B %d day, %Y year"
would output "Monday, July 03 day, 2003 year"

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15 years ago
/************** Date format ******************
* case "0":
* // Fr style : Monday 23 Juillet 2003
* // Us style : Monday, Juillet 23 2003
* // Jp style : ????????????????
* case "1":
* // Fr style : 23 Juillet 2003
* // Us style : Juillet 23, 2003
* // Jp style : ????????????
* case "2":
* // Fr style : 23 Juillet
* // Us style : Juillet, 23
* // Jp style : ??????
* case "3":
* // Fr style : Juillet 2003
* // Us style : Juillet 2003
* // Jp style : ????????
* case "4":
* // Fr style : 23/07/2003
* // Us style : 07/23/2003
* // Jp style : 2003/07/23
* case "5":
* // Fr style : 23/07
* // Us style : 07/23
* // Jp style : 07/23
* case "6":
* // Fr style : 07/2003
* // Us style : 07/2003
* // Jp style : 2003/07

I take that code is in the ini file, correct?
15 years ago
I'll see if I can put the required codes in for JEvents 1.5.4. I'll let you know when you can download this to test (probably at end of the week).

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