Since JEvents 2.1 we can have a more friendly URLs just enabling the new SEF options in the "SEF/Performance options" tab of the configuration area. The new URLs look like:
  • monthcalendar/2011/11/-
  • eventsbyweek/2011/11/12/- (day is always first day of the week)
  • eventsbyday/2011/11/06/-
  • eventdetail/1646/-/event-title
  • eventdetail/1646/-/weely-attendance-test
  • Task part of the URL...
but what is most important is that these new URLs will be different according to your language configuration as the first word of these URLs can be translated, and actually they will be translated if you intall the JEvents translation pack for your language.

So if you want to customize these new URLs, now it is really easy using the language overrides possibilities of Joomla! and JEvents. You just have to follow these steps:
  1. Create the folder: {JOOMLA!}/{YOUR TEMPLATE}/language/
  2. Inside this folder create a folder for your language: {JOOMLA!}/{YOUR TEMPLATE}/language/{LANGUAGE_CODE}. For instance, if your language is English from Great Britain you should create this folder: {JOOMLA!}/{YOUR TEMPLATE}/language/en-GB/
  3. Create a file called: {LANGUAGE_CODE}.com_jevents.ini. In our example it would be en-GB.com_jevents.ini 
  4. Inside that file place the following code:
    ; Please be aware that these strings are going to be part of the URL of the site.
    ; DO NOT USE NON-ASCII CHARACTERS IF POSSIBLE as this might create some compatibility issues with some hosts.
    ; Start of URL STRINGS
    ; End of URL STRINGS
  5. Replace the text inside the double quotes with your desired translation for each URL
  6. Upload the file to the recently created folder
And you are done!! Your URLs will look exactly as you want them to look like.

Please be aware that if you use the same string for all the URLs, the system will not be able to detect which part of the component have to show and it will not work as expected.