Custom Layouts for Event Editing Page

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JEvents 3.1 features layout editing for the event editing pages.  This feature is quickly described here but will require fuller documentation which will be available soon.

Edit the layout page to move the avilable fields around - at present there is no input/select fields tool available (we are working on this!) but the default layout shows most of the fields that are available to you.

Key Points

1. Standard Tab headings : 

{{Tab Start:TABSTART#JEV_TAB_COMMON}} - will be replaced by the translation of "JEV_TAB_COMMON"

2. Custom Fields Tab headings :

{{Tab Start:TABSTART#Custom Fields Tab One}} - will be replaced by "Custom Fields Tab One".  This can be translated if you use a language string e.g. JEV_CUSTOM_FIELDS_TAB_ONE and define a translation for it

3. RSVP Pro Tab Headings :


4. Tab Body - Calendar: Currently calendar fields can not be customised.  this will be implemented by the time 3.1 stable is ready (before the end of June 2013)

5. Tab Body - Custom Fields: The part CUSTOM_1 in the example below relates to a custom fields tab called 'Custom 1' in the XML file.

{{Tab Start:TABSTART#Custom Fields Tab One}}
    {{Tab 1:CUSTOM_1}}
In other words we capitalise and replace spaces with underscores

6. Tab Body - RSVP Pro : Please use

    {{Attendance Tab:ATTENDANCE_OPTIONS}}

    {{Invitations Tab:INVITATION_OPTIONS}}

7. Individual custom fields : For a field with a name = 'joomlauser2' we would use code like this:

{{Custom joomlauser2 label:customfield_joomlauser2_lbl}} for the label and {{Custom joomlauser2:customfield_joomlauser2}} for the input field.

8. You MUST close your last tab with{{End Tabs:TABSEND}}

9. NB Any empty tabs will be hidden

10. If using the customfields plugin you MUST layup the event edit page like the customfields .xml. So if you have defined a tab inside the customfields plugin, you must include the tab code within the edit page or you will likely get JavaScript Errors.