Installation or Upgrade Problems

1. White Page or Error Message 'Out of Memory'

If you encounter problems installing or upgrading JEvents as a normal component please the following

Possible solution 0 : Try the tar.gz package instead of the larger zip package.

Possible solution 1 : installing from a directory.
1. Unzip the JEvents package on your local computer
2. Upload the unzipped file to a temporary folder on your server e.g. /home/user/httpdocs/tmp/jevents/
3. Go to the Joomla install page and type the full path where you uploaded the files in the directory
4. Click "Install" next to this path


Possible solution 2 : Enable FTP mode
1. Go to Joomla config page and enable FTP mode

Possible solution 3 : Increase the php memory in Joomla
Look at the php info tab of the Joomla system info from help menu in backend of your site. Search for "memory_limit" - if this is less than 16M the increase this to 24M (or 32M).

You can do this via your php.ini, .htaccess or using a Joomla Plugin like this one by JooCode

2. Copy Failed error

If you get a Joomla error saying 'copy failed' or somerthing similar in your language then you should download and install Akeeba AdminTools ( and run the 'Fix Permissions' script.

3. Missing Menu Item in Backend of Joomla

Some users have seen installations where the JEvents menu item is not visible in the backend of Joomla. If this occurs you could try this script - upload to the root of your installation, make sure you are logged in to the backend of your site as the root super user and then run it as Hopefully this will restore your missing menu item.

If you get other errors during install you could try running the script as , this will remove some database references to JEvents in the extensions, assets and menu - you could then try re-installing.