3.6.7 [Released - 2024-03-12 ]
Bug Fixes
- Do not try to delete unsent notifications when there is no rpid to match against in the request
- replyto field cannot be null
3.6.6 [Released - 2023-10-10 ]
Bug Fixes
- Avoid PHP 8.2 deprecation notices
3.6.5 [Released - 2023-06-25 ]
Bug Fixes
- Avoid PHP 8.x countable argument error
3.6.4 [Released - 2023-06-21 ]
Bug Fixes
- listEventsById method of helper needs to be declared static
3.6.3 [Released - 2023-06-12 ]
- Category white list for notifications
- getEventData method of helper needs to be declared static
3.6.2 [Released - 2022-04-06 ]
Bug Fixes
- More meaningful message when plugin is not enabled
3.6.1 [Released - 2021-05-24 ]
Bug Fixes
- Delete notifications for past events, and also remove private from wording for generalisation.
3.6.0 [Released - 2021-03-16 ]
- Joomla 4 compatibility
- Add no-notifications option to config options
Older Changes
- v. 3.4.3 - Added {CATEGORY} tag support
- v. 3.4.2 - RSVP Pro SQL Error Fix, J3.x/3.8 compatible, Removed Duplicate Vars, Replaced jRequest with jInput, Refined iCalMailSending, added {TIME} support, Delete past event notifications.
- v. 3.4.1 - Fix SQL error when RSVP Pro has no attendees. Load Editor class with namespacing in J3.8+. Respect Hidden Detail Settings.
- v. 3.4.0 - Use gwejson plugin, check RSVP Pro is installed before offering its options, Joomla deprecated methods
- v. 3.0.14 - Add config options to allow notification messages to run JEvents plugins and hence use all the layout editing output and access many fields from other JEvents addons
- v. 3.0.13 - Added {CALENDAR} to be used in notifcation email. Display the calendar title.
- v. 3.0.12 - Fix problem with only first notification being sent sometimes, installer improvements
- v. 3.0.11 - Added notification for trashing events to the unpublished notification, updated install routiner for windows compatibility
- v. 3.0.10 - Fix for published state test on new events
- v. 3.0.8 - php 5.4 changes,
- v. 3.0.6 - resolve issue with logging out users when running sendnotifications script, add config option to set sender email and name, include support for DESCRIPTION and EXTRA in the message templates
- Version 3.0.4 fix config issue fromn 3.0.3 on Joomla 2.5
- Version 3.0.3 Woprkaround for annoying Bootstrp javascript issue ignoring onchange events in underlying select element!
- Version 3.0.2 uses correct getMailer method in Joomla 3.0
- Version 3.0.1 removes stray reference to JParameter clas
- Version 1.0.30 Missed jevhtml.php file from installation xml file.
- Version 1.0.2 Ensures notification map database table is created without need to load module. HTML based messages now supported
- Version 0.9.13 fixes missing $dateClass declaration error
- Version 0.9.12 MySQL 5.5 compatability, extra information about notifications for deleted users etc when running send notifications
- Version 0.9.11 improves algorithm for finding events - was failing before on some events only visble to invitees.
- Version 0.9.10 fix IP list - if left blank was always refusing to run in version 0.9.9
- Version 0.9.9 adds extra security options - you can now restrict the list of IP addressess from which the sendnotifications.php script can be called from.
- Version 0.9.8 security fix for Joomla 1.5 users.
- Version 0.9.7 removes possiblilty that sender email address is silly@silly.com by mistake
- Version 0.9.6 allows notification of managed people when new events are created.
- Version 0.9.4 enables Joomla 1.7 version to notify users of restricted events i.e. those only accessible by certain classes of users.
- Version 0.9.3 compatible with JEvents 2.0 and supports notifying managed people linked users.