Before you launch your site have you ever wished you could show a Joomla module e.g. a Newsletter signup to gather interest of offer more information to visitors, possibly a countdown to the launch.
You can do this fairly eaisily (but it does require a small coding change to your template).
1. Edit the file /templates/YOURTEMPLATE/ofline.php (or if that doesn't exist edit the file /templates/system/ofline.php
2. Add this code
<h2>Launching soon - please sign up for more information</h2>
$document = JFactory::getDocument();
$renderer = $document->loadRenderer('module');
$result = null;
$modules = JModuleHelper::getModules("offline");
foreach ($modules as $module) {
$content = $renderer->render($module, array(), $result);
echo $content;
3. Ad your module to a custom module position called 'offline' and set it to display on all pages.
GWE Systems Ltd, the company behind JEvents, is excited to announce the preview release of EasyLayouts - the tool that makes it easy to create layouts for your Joomla content and custom fields.
See our blog post for an exciting special offer to our Gold Members