
Hide Event Details from Non-logged in Users

This plugin hides event descriptions from users who are not logged in. You can specify a message to replace the description with and you may also include a white list of category ids so that the event detail for the events in these categories is visible to all users.

  • Hide your events descriptions to non-logged in users
  • Show an alternative generic message to non-logged in users instead of the description of your events
  • Set up a list of categories in which the description of the event will be shown
Click the below link to take you to the Downloads related to this product.
For Joomla! 2.5 and up, please use the 3.x Version making sure you are using JEvents 3.x.
Joomla! 1.5 versions are no longer supported.

  • Hide your events descriptions to non-logged in users
  • Show an alternative generic message to non-logged in users instead of the description of your events
  • Set up a list of categories in which the description of the event will be shown