Gold Member
  Monday, 22 August 2022
  7 Replies
  819 Visits
I have upgraded a J3.10.11 site to a J4.1.5 test site.
I have RSVP and custom fields installed.
I have created a test event and on saving I get a "<strong>An error has occurred - 500 Category must have a title</strong>".
Any easy way to resolve?
Cheers Pete

PHP Version : 8.1.9
MySQL Version : 10.3.35-MariaDB-cll-lve
Server Information : Linux au20.tmd.cloud 3.10.0-962.3.2.lve1.5.67.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Fri Mar 25 07:13:21 UTC 2022 x86_64
Fix jQuery? : Yes
Load JEvents Bootstrap CSS? : No
Max Input Vars ? : 3000
Club code set? : Yes
User Agent : Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
Joomla : 4.1.5
component_com_jevents : 3.6.39
component_com_rsvppro : 3.7.13
component_com_jce : 2.9.29
module_mod_jevents_cal : 3.6.39
module_mod_jevents_custom : 3.6.39
module_mod_jevents_filter : 3.6.39
module_mod_jevents_latest : 3.6.39
module_mod_jevents_legend : 3.6.39
module_mod_jevents_switchview : 3.6.39
layout_JEventsExtPlusLayout : 3.6.8
layout_JEventsFlatplusLayout : 3.6.5
layout_JEventsIconicLayout : 3.6.6
plugin_actionlog_jevents : 3.6.39 (not enabled)
plugin_content_jevent_embed : 3.6.0
plugin_content_jevents : 3.6.39
plugin_finder_jevents : 3.6.39
plugin_installer_jeventsinstaller : 3.6.39
plugin_jevents_agendaminutes : 3.6.3
plugin_jevents_jevcustomfields : 3.7.5
plugin_jevents_jevrsvppro : 3.7.13
plugin_jevents_jevtimelimit : 3.6.3
plugin_rsvppro_authorizenet : 3.7.13 (not enabled)
plugin_rsvppro_manual : 3.7.13 (not enabled)
plugin_rsvppro_mollie : 3.7.13 (not enabled)
plugin_rsvppro_paypalexpress : 3.7.13 (not enabled)
plugin_rsvppro_paypalipn : 3.7.13 (not enabled)
plugin_rsvppro_quickpay : 3.7.13 (not enabled)
plugin_rsvppro_stripe : 3.7.13 (not enabled)
plugin_search_eventsearch : 3.6.39
plugin_system_gwejson : 3.6.39
plugin_system_hika_rsvp_redirect : 3.7.13 (not enabled)
Support Info
2 years ago
I've tried to install this version of JEvents (which fixes some issues with the finder plugin) - the connection to your site from Europe is painfully slow so I wasn't able to do this myself.

I hope it will resolve your issue.

This will be the new release in the next day or two.

JEvents Club members can get priority forum support at the Support Forum. As well as access to a variety of custom JEvents addons and benefits. Join the JEvents club today!

2 years ago
Hi Geraint
I have since tried again upgrading using J4.2.2 and installing your 3.6.41 package. Unfortunately still have the same issue.
Attached is a screen shot of the issue with debug on:
Hope that helps?
Cheers Pete
2 years ago
I'm looking into this today - if the problem persists can you disable the JEvents Finder plugin until we find a solution.

p.s. I am unable to login to the backend of your site to take a look "Immunify 360" seems to be stuck in a look and asking me to do a captcha over and over again. So I tried again and now the site says the login credentials aren't right - can you double check them please?

JEvents Club members can get priority forum support at the Support Forum. As well as access to a variety of custom JEvents addons and benefits. Join the JEvents club today!

2 years ago
Hi Geraint
I have resolved the login issue but couldn't find the JEvents Finder plugin.
Possibly removed when I installed the dev package?
Cheers Peter
2 years ago
Is it ok if I install Akeeba Backup and take a temporary copy of the site.

There is something very strange about your setup - the code is unable to generate the repetitions because there is no event id set. Something is interfering with the save process and I can't figure out what.

If its not possible to take a temporary copy are you ok if I use FTP to add diagnostic messages to the save process?

JEvents Club members can get priority forum support at the Support Forum. As well as access to a variety of custom JEvents addons and benefits. Join the JEvents club today!

2 years ago
Hi Geraint
Your response prompted me to go back and check for any historical Jevents custom mods, some going back nearly a decade.
I found we had a db trigger updating a redundant view when any adds or updates were performed on Jevents.
This obviously worked in J3 but not with the J4 code improvements.
Removal of this resolved the issue.
Sorry - I should have delved deeper into what mods had been made before posting here.
Thank you for responding and attempting to resolve this.....
Regards Peter
2 years ago
No worries - glad you figured it out.

JEvents Club members can get priority forum support at the Support Forum. As well as access to a variety of custom JEvents addons and benefits. Join the JEvents club today!

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