Friday, 04 November 2016
  4 Replies
  1.9K Visits
(Previous discussion on wrong thread)

Maybe this is a related problem that will shed some light. My calendar does show the nav arrows for previous and next months, but clicking on them doesn't change to the previous or next month. The calendar is stuck on the present day. This started when I updated Joomla to 3.6.3, and continues with 3.6.4. Also, clicking to open an event's entry does nothing.

Calendar page:
Joomla ver 3.6.4
JEvents ver 3.4.23 stable
JEvents Theme: flat

What SEF system are you using? Also what caching settings?

JEvent settings:
Use new SEF Url system = No
Use Joomla Cache for event data = only for visitors who are not logged in

I mean in the Joomla settings not the JEvents settings.
In the JEvents settings you should enable the new set system and disable the JEvents cache.
The problem is with the Joomla router - the URL is changing but the content of the page doesn't reflect what is in the URL.

Joomla cache settings:
Caching settings = progressive
cache handler = file
platform specific caching = no
cache time = 15 min
Changing JEvent settings now.

Try conservative caching or no caching as a test

Both conservative and no caching produce no changes to the problem.
And I just discovered a couple of things:
- categories don't show at the bottom on the trouble page.
- "Jump To Month" link works. When I go to a different month, the categories show up again.

Hi Bryanhix,
Ok so you have jumped onto another post and my CSS was for the first post. Also you haven't applied any css to the JEvents Custom CSS section.
Can you check display legend is set to yes in:
Configuration -> Monthly View
Also check the menu items settings.
In the JEvents Config, what are the years set to?
Many thanks

Main Monthly Calendar / Show legend = yes
Joomla Menu settings - (not sure what to look for)
JEvents config / years /
start = 2012
end = 2020
I mistakenly made the decision to put this issue in another I thought might be related. I can open a new issue if needed.

Hello Bryanhix,
Please do open a new topic with your issue and provide site details so we can take a quick look.
Many thanks
8 years ago
Hello Bryanhix,

We actually developer under php7 so from our point of view it should be working perfectly. I've also just double checked the navigation and it is working on my local install with php 7.0.12.

What you might want to do is enable maximum error reporting in Joomla! upgrade to php7 and see if you are getting any warnings/notices.

Many thanks

JEvents Club members can get priority forum support at the Support Forum. As well as access to a variety of custom JEvents addons and benefits. Join the JEvents club today!Join the JEvents club today!

8 years ago
Tony, after discovering other broken links (that hadn't been broken), and broken catpcha, I remembered upgrading php to 7.0.12. There was something I had to do to make it work (don't remember what) then the resulting speed was great.

After changing php version back to 5.6.27, all broken things that I found seem to be working. And JEvents is working again! I don't have the technical experience to even begin to understand why php ver 7 won't work with Joomla 3.6.4 and chosen extensions. It makes me believe something under the hood is wrong and I'm going to pay the piper later.

Oh well. Tony and geraint, thank you for your help. The site seems to be working again.


P.S. - If you have a reason to dig into the php version issue for JEvents let me know. My help and site are at your disposal.
8 years ago
Hello Bryanhix,

Firstly you need to fix acymailing as that is getting a 500 layout default not found twice, or uninstall it if you are not using it.

Then can you please update your post with your super user login details so we can take a look?

Many thanks

JEvents Club members can get priority forum support at the Support Forum. As well as access to a variety of custom JEvents addons and benefits. Join the JEvents club today!Join the JEvents club today!

8 years ago
Site details

PHP Version : 7.0.12
MySQL Version : 5.6.28-76.1-log
Server Information : Linux 3.12.18-clouder0 #6 SMP Thu Sep 15 14:00:54 EEST 2016 x86_64
Fix jQuery? : Yes
Load JEvents Bootstrap CSS? : Yes
Max Input Vars ? : 3000
Club code set? : No
User Agent : Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:49.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/49.0
Joomla : 3.6.4
component_com_jevents : 3.4.24
component_com_jce : 2.5.31
component_com_acymailing : 5.5.0
module_mod_acymailing : 3.7.0
module_mod_jevents_cal : 3.4.24
module_mod_jevents_custom : 3.4.24
module_mod_jevents_filter : 3.4.24
module_mod_jevents_latest : 3.4.24
module_mod_jevents_legend : 3.4.24
module_mod_jevents_switchview : 3.4.24
plugin_acymailing_calltoaction : 1.1.3
plugin_acymailing_contentplugin : 3.7.0
plugin_acymailing_geolocation : 5.5.0
plugin_acymailing_managetext : 1.0.0
plugin_acymailing_online : 3.7.0
plugin_acymailing_plgbirthday_j30 : 4.0.0 (not enabled)
plugin_acymailing_plginboxactions : 5.5.0
plugin_acymailing_share : 1.0.0
plugin_acymailing_stats : 3.7.0
plugin_acymailing_tablecontents : 1.0.0
plugin_acymailing_tagcontent : 3.7.0
plugin_acymailing_tagmodule : 5.5.0
plugin_acymailing_tagsubscriber : 5.5.0
plugin_acymailing_tagsubscription : 5.5.0
plugin_acymailing_tagtime : 5.5.0
plugin_acymailing_taguser : 5.5.0
plugin_acymailing_template : 5.5.0
plugin_acymailing_universaltag_j30 : 1.2.1 (not enabled)
plugin_acymailing_urltracker : 5.5.0
plugin_content_jevents : 3.4.24
plugin_editors_acyeditor : 5.5.0
plugin_finder_jevents : 3.4.24
plugin_installer_jeventsinstaller : 3.4.24 (not enabled)
plugin_search_eventsearch : 3.4.24
plugin_system_acymailingclassmail : 5.5.0 (not enabled)
plugin_system_acymailingurltracker : 5.5.0
plugin_system_gwejson : 3.4.24
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