Thursday, 04 April 2013
  2 Replies
  1.7K Visits
I consider to use JEvents for a project but wondering whether the following is supported:

- I would like to manage (not just upload) events via a CSV file. Creating events via uploading a CSV file seems to be supported but can I also delete/update/add events afterwards via a CSV file as well?
- If yes, is there still a back-end action in the Joomla/Jevents administration required each time I upload CSV data, or do I manage the event data just via uploading a CSV file only.

Thanks for your advice
11 years ago
You can import the CSV file as a one off file import or as a URL (i.e. you upload the latest version of the CSV file to your site). If you import via a URL you can setup a shceduled task to auto-update your website with the latest events from the CSV file.

In other words the CSV file can be the MASTER source of your events.

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11 years ago
Hi Geraint,

thanks for this. Looks like a match for my requirements, so I'm gonna try.
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