Wednesday, 15 September 2021
  2 Replies
  1.1K Visits

I am trying to find out how to display a list of events of a certain event-category within a certain article or how to display a listing or module output for a certain event-category depending on the article-category of the article that is currently displayed. The categories for articles that are available for the website may change dynamically. The articles are organized in categories so are the events but these are organized in their own type of event-categories. If an article of category 1 is displayed a list of events with event-category 1 should be displayed just as well. The seems to be no way to directly connect the article categories to the event categories. So I thought if it was possible to display a calendar view inside an article with the help of another plugin in case the calendar view can be displayed with a certain event-category by filtering using its URL. Is there a common way to achieve this with least maintenance effort?

Thanks for any idea or help in this matter.
3 years ago

thank you for your answer.

I am not sure if this is really what I was thinking of. It seems to me that there is still the need of manually linking article and event. But this should be related to the articles category to be of any help. Otherwise I could create one module for every category and display with the corresponding article accordingly. However, I am no club member, and this will be a non-profit project where I am working on.
3 years ago

So for that we would recommend use the JEvents Latest Events module and using loadposition to load the module, put the module in it's own position: events_cat_filtered_new for example then using: {loadposition events_cat_filtered_new} would render that module.

You can either use the latest events or a the mini calendar module.

You can use:

To link the articles and then event links too:

Many thanks

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