Friday, 22 July 2022
  1 Replies
  594 Visits
We've made a mistake in creating a multi-days event. (can't get details about from junior admin)

After, we've lost our front end site (hang). Back-end access OK but impossible to access JEVENTS Management
Over 10 000 orfan events were created. version
We have : 1000 events stored in database.

We had to restore a backup in order to fix our site crash.

Best regards,
2 years ago
Unfortunately its hard to know what might have happened.

Orphan events are created when the category allocation is lost - were these thousands of orphan events all repeats of the same item?

If you get this sort of problem again can you enable Joomla debug mode and maximum error reporting so we can get the context of where the error occurred?

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