Thursday, 28 September 2023
  7 Replies
  536 Visits
is it possible to determine the order of events of one day in monthly calendar view? I can't find anything - even not in database tables.

Thank you!
Holley set the post as Low priority — 1 year ago
Holley set the type of the post as  Technical — 1 year ago
1 year ago
All day/no time events appear first and then they should be ordered by start time

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1 year ago
Hi Geraint,
thank you for quick answering.
I see. I have two all-day-events but one of them lasting several days and is shown up every day.
On 29th "line" is "broken" - I guess I should just take it easy, shouldn't I?

Bildschirmfoto 2023-09-29 um 14.28.23.png

How can I evaluate Multidate-events which have to be shown (to distinguish from Multidate-events which are just shown once, first day of period)?

Thank you very much for your support
1 year ago
Text wraps to fit the space and make the entries not line up.

When you edit an event you can set them to only appear on the first day OR in the menu item options there is an option to override this setting from the event

You should consider one of the club themes - these allow multi-day events to span the calendar day cells and to show out of month events - see

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1 year ago
Sorry, I guess I expressed myself poorly.
Calendar cell 29th (see image): I wanted to change the order of the events so that "Herbstferien" appears as first entry of that day and "Ende der Sommerzeit" as second event. If so the orange border-bottom of the Multidate-event "Herbstferien" would be displayed "related".
I hope this makes it clearer.

My second question is if I can check if an multiway-event is displayed every day or only at the starting day. I need some kind of flag to make a difference which information to be displayed in custom layout.

I have no "out-of-month"-problem. I had once but that was a question in another thread.

Thank you very much!
1 year ago
Is it possible to take influence of the order of an multi-days-all-day-event and an not-multi-days-all-day-event?
I tried to affect the order by deleting and re-creating the events, changing manually dates of creation etc. - there is no affect.
1 year ago
Did you look at the way the club themes have multi-day event spanning across days.

This could well be what you need


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1 year ago
Hi Geraint,

yes, that looks helpful. I am just scared as I made so many changes for annual list an monthly calendar … this means a lot of work and you know ... clients ...

Thank you very much anyway!
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