Gold Member
  Saturday, 09 July 2022
  4 Replies
  758 Visits
I have a problem with showing the event detail page, when a category of events isn't in the list view (events by day/week/year). I get an error saying that the event can't be shown. Apparently the detail page is checking what categories are listed in the day/week view and considers the other categories / events as unpublished / not viewable.

Earlier I posted my problems with multi day events in the list view (See this post here). If you have a large number of multi day events, they are blurring the actual events of today.
I did come up with a workaround though: I left out the events in de category Exhibitions, since those are most likely to be multi day events. I created a latest events module with only the Exhibitions category and placed it below the calendar. And I have a latest events module on my homepage showing all upcoming events from all categories.

Unfortunately, the modules show the exhibitions, but when you click on one item for details, you get an error.

Second drawback of my approach is that the filter module, which I placed at the top of the event day / week view list, while it does filter the exhibitions if searched by name or location (nice feature!), it doesn't show the exhibition category for filtering.

I tried to overcome the error by creating a new hidden menu item where all categories are listed in the day view and associating the modules with that menu, but that doesn't work. The event still seems to look at the categories of the day view in the visible menu item.

Is this a bug or I are my settings wrong somewhere. Why can't I view the details of any published event, not matter what menu setting there is?

[Edit] I went over to the settings of the event detail page. There I linked all events to the hidden menu with all event categories. Now it works. Still, I think it's a strange way of allowing alle event details to be displayed for all categories. (And it does' help for the filtering issue)
2 years ago
Accepted Answer
The missing events finder checks all the accessible JEvents menu items and when it finds one it uses that instead - you can't choose which one to use

There is one other approach you could adopt which is to create a special event detail menu item and set the 'Menu Item for ALL event detail links' option on the event details tab of the JEvents config to force ALL event detail links to go to a single menu item

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2 years ago
There is a club addon called the 'missing event finder' plugin that will redirect any links to event details to an appropriate menu item where they can be displayed.

I thought we'd resolved the multi-day event display issue now so you won't need this workaround any more.

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2 years ago
The menuitem where you are redirecting should have all categories listed. We had a (visible) menu item with all but two categories. Events in those two were casing problems. How does the plug-in overcome this? You still need a menu item with all categories.
2 years ago
Accepted Answer
The missing events finder checks all the accessible JEvents menu items and when it finds one it uses that instead - you can't choose which one to use

There is one other approach you could adopt which is to create a special event detail menu item and set the 'Menu Item for ALL event detail links' option on the event details tab of the JEvents config to force ALL event detail links to go to a single menu item

JEvents Club members can get priority forum support at the Support Forum. As well as access to a variety of custom JEvents addons and benefits. Join the JEvents club today!

2 years ago
The last solution is the one I've implemented. This will guarantee the url of the detail is always the same, no matter via what way you go to the details. One nice thing about it, is that you can create a menu alias which makes a bit more sense. In my case I've called it 'event', so the url is
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