Gold Member
  Thursday, 26 May 2022
  4 Replies
  648 Visits
Hello, is it possible to have a template of sorts inserted into the event body (HMTL editor) field?

E.g., we allow users to post social bike ride events, and would like them to comply with a certain structure to ensure they include all the key details. Is there a jEvents native plugin for this, or would one need to use one of the Joomla ones (e.g., Content Templater by Regular Labs)? Problem with the 3rd party ones is they allow inserting of the content template via a Joomla editor button (which is good), but it's available everywhere (including submitting articles - not good) while we'd love for this to only be available in jEvents, and even better when someone selects the category. (E.g., in our case, users are able to submit a variety of event types - social ride, advocacy, work party, social gathering, etc. ... we'd love for the template button to only be available when someone selects the "Social Ride" category).

Thought I'd post here first, and happy to move this to the enhancement request section.

Thank you for any pointers!
2 years ago
Accepted Answer
Your best bet is to use the JEvents custom fields addon - you can then force the fields you need to be filled in and customise the output display.

These fields and display can be category specific,

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2 years ago
Accepted Answer
Your best bet is to use the JEvents custom fields addon - you can then force the fields you need to be filled in and customise the output display.

These fields and display can be category specific,

JEvents Club members can get priority forum support at the Support Forum. As well as access to a variety of custom JEvents addons and benefits. Join the JEvents club today!

2 years ago
Thank you for the suggestion. Adding more fields has some pros and cons, but def worth considering.
2 years ago
remember the fields can be category specific so they would only appear for the relevant categories.

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2 years ago
If you use JCE as an editor, you can use the template manager and load HTML specific to the event. For instance, I have 3 templates that I can choose from depending on the event type and they are easy to edit for the event creator. It has been the best solution for our cal.
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