Monday, 19 September 2022
  5 Replies
  668 Visits
Hi all,
I'm getting a "The page cannot be displayed because an internal server error has occurred." error when I try to navigate to Manage Events from the Dashboard. Dashboard and setting pages all seem to load fine.
The url for this page ends in 'index.php?option=com_jevents&task=icalevent.list'

Before this happened, I was getting the same error on the upcoming month calendar view.
This url for this page ends in 'monthcalendar/2022/10/-'

I found 4 repeating events which when set to unpublished allowed the next month view (October and November) to load.
I then attempted to re-add one of those problematic events by copying an existing working published event and modifying the details.
Now I am unable to access the Manage Events page to unpublish the event I just made or manage any existing event.

I've tried from different browsers and different computers/devices and I'm seeing the behaviour across all attempts
Any ideas on how to get back into the Manage Events page, or even how to unpublish an event without using the Manage Events page?
Link to working current month calendar. October and November both cause the error as the event added was a repeating event.

Thanks for any help!
I was able to edit the 'state' field of this event to unpublish it. So I can now see the October and November calendars, however the Manage Events page is still encountering an error when I attempt to navigate to it.
2 years ago
Can you give me login details to take a look?

Also please check your webserver for an error.log file which may tell you what the internal server error is

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Hi I've attached some login details onto the Site Details (Private) area. I'm assuming you can see that information on your side.
Where should I be searching for the error.log file? Joomla, Windows Applications, Windows System?
2 years ago
I need to be able to switch Joomla debug mode off and on to see what the problem is and I don't have permission to do this.

It takes a few seconds before the error arises so I'm guessing you may be out of memory in PHP. I changed a config option in JEvents (at the bottom of the performance tab - "Large dataset threshold (Expert use only)" and changed it to 100 from the default 100,000 and now you can view your events.

I note that your version of JEvents is very old 3.6.17 vs the release 3.6.39 - I suggest you upgrade and then try changing this setting back to 100,000 as its only usually needed for VERY large sites.

JEvents Club members can get priority forum support at the Support Forum. As well as access to a variety of custom JEvents addons and benefits. Join the JEvents club today!

Excellent. Thanks for taking a peek at it.

I had recently updated PHP on that server, then rolled it back when this error popped up, so that's likely what caused the initial issue. I'll get jEvents updated. It may be time spin up a new Joomla instance and start getting that up to date too.

Thanks again for your help!
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