Gold Member
  Tuesday, 08 November 2022
  2 Replies
  365 Visits
Hello there,

In the category filter dropdown, all my categories have the language code ("de-DE" or "en-EN";) displayed next to the actual entry, which is obviously neither necessary nor does it look good.
How can I get rid of that? (See the URL in private site tab)

Thank you!
2 years ago
Unzip and upload this file to components/com_jevents/libraries/jeventshtml.php and it will remove this.

The idea behind marking the language was for sites with a mixture of language specific categories and any-language categories. This change will hide this marker for categories matching the language being viewed when filtering BUT retains it for event editing.

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2 years ago
Thank you. The file didnĀ“t have any effect (I cleaned Joomla and browser cache).

Anyway, the more I think about it....I think, I will assign all my categories to "all languages", since there is no real need to assign the categories to specific languages. So... thank you anyway!
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