Gold Member
  Saturday, 11 June 2022
  1 Replies
  886 Visits
(Joomla! 3.10.9, JEvents v3.6.38) I'm unable to attach an event to a menu item any longer.

  1. Click Menus > All Menu Items
  2. Click "New" button
  3. Enter Menu Title
  4. Click Select > JEvents - Core > Event Detail
  5. Click "Click to Select Different Event" button

After the last action, a modal pop-up should open to permit the selection of a specific event, but no such dialog opens.
2 years ago
Thanks for highlighting this issue - we've been trying to standardise the modal library that is used in JEvents and were a bit over-zealous and applied it in this context too!

Unzip and upload this file to /libraries/jevents/jevmodal/ and it will resolve the issue. The fix will be in the next release of JEvents

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