Friday, 18 February 2022
  2 Replies
  867 Visits
Hi Folks

We are building a new website with JEvents 3.6.21 and Joomla! 4.1 and the mod_jevents_latest on the right side:

On allday-events the empty timeline produces a empty line due to an additional showed <br> tag on the 'time line' in the modules source code.

The format-string in modules configuration is:

<span class="icon-calendar"></span>${startDate(%d %b %Y)}
<span class="icon-time"></span>[!a: ${startDate(%H:%M)} - ${endDate(%H:%M)}]
<span class="icon-hand-right"></span>${title}

and that produces (time line on the second entry):
<span class="icon-time"></span><br>

How we can get rid of this additional <br> on allday events?

Thanks in advance for a hint
3 years ago
Hello Roger,

JEvents Latest Events Module treads a return line as a <br/>. So either remove it, or edit the module config under the custom format string see:

Ignore Carriage Returns

Set to YES

Many thanks

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3 years ago
Hi Tony
Thank you for your answer.
Yes, now is the 'ignore new lines' to yes. But I've had to replace some of the spans with div containers so that I have not all content on one row. Plus additional switched the 'Disable default CSS Date Field Style' option to 'yes'. The format string is now

<div class="entry">
<div class="entry_date">${startDate(%d %b %Y)}</div>
[!a: ${startDate(<div class="entry_time">%H:%M)} - ${endDate(%H:%M)}</div>]
<div class="entry_title">${title}</div>

And it looks perfect now. Again, thanks Tony, you've pushed me to the right direction :)

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