Wednesday, 27 March 2013
  1 Replies
  1.6K Visits
I want to use JEvents with Jomsocial. I want to know if all activities are displayed in the main board. Where can I find a demo or documentation regarding the integration of Jevent and Jomsocial?

It is possible to make appear certain fields only to those who attend the event?

thank you.
11 years ago
1. It is possible to import JomSocial events into the main JEvents calendar. Also its possible to display the JEvents events a user has created within their JomSocial Profile (using the latest events module layout).

2. By fields do you mean custom fields within JEvents? At present you can only limit access to these by Joomla user group/access level. It would be fairly straightforward to enhance this to limit fields so that only those attending (via RSVP Pro) can see the content of these fields.

There is a brief description of the functionality here ( ... networking) with a link to a couple of demo videos.

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