JEvents Locations - new features
JEvents team is proud to present the inmediate release of the version 2.0.9 of JEvents Managed Locations. The changes on this new version are:
- Added the ability to reorder the columns of the list of locations (table layout) and choose which columns you want to show.
- Added some markup to the category filter to improve the blog-layout display.
- We have also improved the instructions that appear at the edition area of the blog-layout defaults
- There is also a new document available for club members about how to fully customize this layout, that you may find on this link: Customizing the list of locations (blog layout)
Reordering is easy just move the columns with your mouse!!
Just clicking on the column you want to hide, it will dissapear in the locations list
The new list of locations in blog layout is fully customizable from the layout defaults functionality.
JEvents Locations
JEvents Locations is one of the Silver extensions that conforms the JEvents Addons family and it provides a great locations management tool that integrates seamlessly with JEvents. With JEvents Locations you can easily create a great directory of locations and places with great features like:
- Simple click and select interface when editing events with the ability to create new locations without the need to return to this addon component.
- Seamlessly integration with JEvents.
- Provide detailed info of the locations where your events take place.
- Global or private locations - if a user is authorised in Jevents to create "global extras" then they can create global locations that everyone can use. Otherwise the user can only create private locations that can only associated to events by they themselves.
- Embedded maps with address lookups and variable zoom using a third party maps service (Currently only Google Maps is supported).
- Show a list with all your locations (table format and blog layout)
- Easily create menu items and modules restricted to specific cities or states
You may see a live demo of the component on these links: