JEvents Blog

For all the latest news and updates on JEvents and the team.

Released Managed Locations 3.5.0

This release has taken a lot of time because we have been working in our other projects: Easy Layouts and the most recent Your Sites which by the way are awesome and you should check ;). Also we have found that lots of the features we were trying to include in this release were problematic for a minor release, so we found our way in a crossroads about "WE WANT TO OFFER THIS AMAZING THING TO OUR CLUB MEMBERS" and the "this could lead to to issues in existing sites". SO we had to postpone some of the new features for next major release, which we are currently working on.

Best matching of Event location imports

We have worked hard in improving our imports for locations manager when you import your events. We have added lots of automatic detection and we have covered main ical providers specifications.

Also you can now match existing locations in your database by Name, by Coordinates (and you can even decide the accuracy of the geolocation) or both so that you avoid duplicates when doing several imports and also you avoid matching locations from different places with the same location name.

New options for Matching locations on import

It's really unlikely that you have issues with the import, but if you do, let us a message in the forums and we will able to help you with that ;)

New Single Location Module

We didn't have a single location module and we thought it would be awesome to provide something that goes a bit further, so we have developed the Single Location Module which allows you to show a single location in your pages.

Cool part of this module is that it has a dynamic behaviour and you can add it to your events pages and when filtering by location, it will show you information of the specific location you are filtering ;).

Single Location Aquarium Context

We also added a fallback behaviour so that you can choose a specific location to show when no dynamic match and we have developed it in a way we could add more crazy fallback settings so that we could extend the behaviour in the future. Please send us your suggestions in the forum so that we can keep adding new features to this module. We are eager to improve it for you!!

Add your Location name to your breadcrumbs

You requested it and we added it. Now Location title will be added to the Breadcrumbs path. So if you use this module to show your users where they are, now you can go further.

Manage Meta Tags for your locations

Do you need to offer specific Meta Tags for your locations? We have you covered!! Now you can allow your Locations Editors to include Meta Title and Meta Description when adding or editing locations.

If you do not need this feature, fear no more, it's completely optional and you need to enable it from the configuration settings

Choose text content for your Google Maps links

When following the links to Google Maps, you probably want to show the location name in the query box of the maps site, but when the location name does not match Google's data, Google Maps instead of using Latitude and Longitude coordinates, it tries to find the best match. That usually leads to random markers in Google Maps page. To fix that you can now choose if you want your locations to use coordinates or Location name in the Query box of Google:

Several other improvements!!

But that's not all. Another improvements we have:

Events filter by location option to only show locations with events

When using Location Lookup filter for your events, you can now show only locations with events. This makes it easier for your users to choose where to look for their next event ;)

Allow to set Google Map width in events pages in whatever measure unit you need

Now you can introduce your prefer measure unit in the widht setting for the map when showing it with Events

Better target for links in Google Maps markers

We have fixed the target for the links in Google Maps markers. So now it's easier for you to choose if clicking on your marker will open a new window or it will load Google Maps in the same window

Reorganized configuration options

We have regrouped the settings so that it makes more sense for you and specially to newcomers and make the extension easier to understand at first glance. You actually do not need to touch almost anything at first install, but if you need to tweak Managed Locations you will be fully capable of adapting it to your needs.

Last but not least, we really want to thank you for all your bug reporting and features requests. We really love adding new features!! So please keep asking in the forums or sending us an email with your ideas, suggestions and concerns ;)

Exciting New Joomla Addon and Limited Time Offer
JEvents 3.4.50 Released - Security Release